twenty-three | fight

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I woke up around 3 am and couldn't fall back asleep. Charlie was already awake, "Hey you good?" He whispered. "Yeah why aren't you asleep?" I asked. "Couldn't fall back asleep." He replied.

I laid my head on his chest, "You can't sleep either?" He asked. "Nope woke up and can't fall asleep." I replied. He pulled me closer then I already was, "Try sleeping again." He said. "I can say the same for you." I said.

We cuddled up with each-other. My foot was uncovered and I felt something poke it, "Oh hell nah." I whispered moving my foot up. "What?" Charlie asked. "Something poked my foot." I replied.

"Just your imagination." He said. "Yeah I know but I ain't risking shit." I said. He laughed and kissed me on my forehead, "Go to sleep." He said. "No." I replied kissing him on the cheek.
"Fine we'll stay up together." He replied.

My legs were in between his, "You comfortable?" He asked. I nodded my head and laid my head on his shoulder. He managed to fall asleep and I was just sitting there staring at the wall. I dozed off and had a weird dream.

It was like I was awake and I was looking out his window. There was this man standing outside on the sidewalk just looking up at me, I blinked and he was gone. Then I laid back down and he bursted through the bedroom door.

It stopped when I woke up an hour later, I must've startled Charlie cause he woke up also. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing just a bad dream." I replied pulling him into a hug. I stayed awake for the next hour and 30 minutes because just yeah.

Charlie's alarm went off and we got up. I felt weird that day too like a feeling something bad was gonna happen, but maybe I was still freaked out from my dream. We got dressed and I just left my clothes in Charlie's room.

We got on the bus and sat down, there was this man sitting on the bus and I swear it was the guy I saw in my nightmare. He smirked at me creepily and I turned back around.

Charlie and I got off the bus at Eden Hall and so did the creepy guy. We went to the cafeteria and got our breakfast, what was that creepy guy doing here. I started picking at my food and took a couple bites but wasn't hungry.

"You not hungry?" Ken asked. I shrugged my shoulders and put down my fork, "Charlie you know that weird guy on the bus?" I asked Charlie. "Yeah what about him." He replied. "That's the same dude that was in my nightmare last night." I said.

"That's strange maybe just a coincidence though." He said. I nodded my head and threw away my food, Charlie just looked at me concerned. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the cafeteria.

I walked down the halls to my locker, I put my stuff away and grabbed my stuff for 1st class. The bell rung and people were crowding the hallways. I got stopped by a random girl, "Hey your dating Charlie right?" She asked.

"We're not dating but we like each other." I replied. "Well Linda told us shes gonna beat you up at Study hall." She said walking away. Linda won't lay a hand on me, or was this the bad feeling I got earlier.

I was just standing there frozen as everyone passed me in the hallways, Charlie came up to me and dragged me to class. I snapped out of my own world and walked into class. I sat down and Charlie looked at me.

"What happened?" He whispered. "I don't know but someone told me Linda's gonna fight me at study hall." I replied. He looked at me confused but then the teacher walked in. We had to do an exam or something so I did my best and turned it in.

I had all A's currently so hopefully I don't mess up on this one. Linda was in this class so I looked at her and she was glaring at me like she wanted to rip my throat out. I turned back to my desk and just put my head down.

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