A comeback from a special person

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10 years later.

Fernando is 10 years old and is playing in front of the house with his friends. He is playing with them football with a can and one of them screams:

"Come on Fernando to me!"

There is a mixed from voices and Fernando tries to shoot a goal but a other boy is shoot the ball. Fernando is screaming short and sits down on the gravel. He sees how the other boy shoot the can into the other goal and some are cheering but the others are screaming too. Fernando lies his hands on his face and shakes his head. A boy is coming and takes his arm so that he stands up

"Don't worry Fernando...the next time you are better."

Fernando nods and his brother Rafael stands on the stairs as he go out from the house

"Fernando! Come! Please come in! There is something interesting!"

Fernando look to Rafael and then back to his friend

"Uhm...I must go..we see us tomorrow."

Then he walks to his house and his friends says goodbye to him and waves to him.

Fernando looks to him

"What's going on?"

Rafael go with him in inside and close the door

"Mum is calling with a man...dad is coming back from the second world War. He is alive."

Fernando can't believe what he is hearing and he just want smile. But he can't. He don't know his dad. He only knows his dad from the explanation from his mother. He just asks:


Rafael smiles short

"Yes...really.. come listen to her."

He shows with his index finger to the livingroom and Fernando stands next to the room and listen to her mum

"He is really alive?"

Asks Almonda

"Are you sure? Oh my God..."

Almonda takes a pic from Alberto and looks to him and lies her other hand on her chest.

"When can we pick him up?"

Since one month is the second world War over and many soldiers can back to home. Alberto too.

Fernando looks to Rafael short and then back to his mum and walks to her as she hung up. Almonda sits down and begins to cry and lies her hand on her forehead

"Boys...we will a family again.. he is alive."

Rafael smiles and Fernando is happy too but nevertheless he don't know the feeling to have a family with a mother and a father. He let surprised that all.

One week later. Almonda and her two sons wears on their jackets and walks then into the car. Like Almonda is Fernando really nervous and says nothing. Meanwhile the drive. After a while they are the trainstation and waiting directly next to the tracks with other families. Almonda makes her arms around their shoulders from Rafael and Fernando and says to them:

"Don't worry...the train is coming in 5 minutes...you don't have to wait so long.."
Fernando nods and looks far into the distance from the tracks. But after a while he see a brown thing what comes closer where upstairs comes many smokes. The thing makes a pipe and Almonda looks there too

"The train is there! They are coming!"

Fernando is looking forward to his father and has an exciting look on his face. The train is coming and stops after a while on the tracks next to the Cienfuegos and the other families. The smoke is rushing past Fernando, Rafael and her mother and meanwhile go out many soldiers and hugs their families or just walk to them. Some women are crying because of happiness and Fernando watches the door from the train. Like Almonda. But then, the smoke is over and a man with soot on his face is coming out with a green jacket, a green trouser and a green hat what is already covered with soot too. His hairs are brown too but unorderly. His face looks serious and he looks around as he go out.
Almonda walks slowly with them and she just watches him. Alberto, the man who go out, looks after a while to them. Fernando looks really happy to him and Alberto walks to them and Almonda watches him. Just how he looks like and is a bit shocked. Then she lies her hand carefully on his chest


She smiles short and Alberto says first nothing til he looks to Fernando and asks with an unfriendly sound and rough:

"Who is this????"
Fernando looks then down and all his experiences are go away. He thought that he is nice. Like a father is friendly and so on.

Almonda knows already. He change really much as he go to the war.

"This...is Fernando...your second son. I was pregnant as you go to the war."

Alberto answers only with a hum and says then:

"I want go home...please..."

Then he just walk away and Almonda sighs deep and walks then with them to the car.

Later at home plays Fernando with his friends football can again. Alberto stands in front of the open window and is smoking. But he watches Fernando too and without reason is it annoying him that he plays outside. As he is finish with smoking he rams the windowdoor and Almonda walks slowly to him and watches Fernando short. Then she looks to Alberto

"What's wrong? I see that you are annoyed of something"

Carefully she lies her hand on Albertos arm but he makes his arm from her away. Alberto put out his cigarette and looks to her

"Fernando should go in now. He should not play with the others."

Almonda sighs

"Fernando comes alone at 6 p.m. because I told that to him. And listen...you was many years away. I know its difficult for you now. But...please..try to behave more nice to us. I marry you because you was a really nice man."

Alberto listen to her and don't say anything anymore. For Almonda seems that he is offended and waits an answer. Few minutes later go Fernando in the house and says then:

"I'm back mum!"

But by mistake comes out from his shoes dirt and the traces are on the floor. Almonda looks to Fernando and smiles. But Alberto sees the traces


He walks to his son and gives him a whistle. Almonda jerks as she sees that and shoves Alberto from him away


Fernando can't believe what happens now and looks to Alberto and his mum with little tears in his eyes. Almonda screams:

"How could you do that????? I mean right this what I told to you few minutes ago!"

Fernando runs then immediately in his room because he is afraid of him. Alberto screams to her too:

"He should clean his shoes before go in here!!!"
Almonda has tears in her eyes and answers:

"Then tell him that and don't beat him!!! That's your own son!!!!"

Then she go away and Alberto looks behind her. Few hours later makes Fernando ready for bed and lies already under a blanket. Slowly opens Almonda the door and asks:

"Are you ready for bed now?"

She smiles and sits next to him. Fernando nods and smiles too. She strokes over her hairs and says then:

"I'm sorry what happened few hours ago..."

She sighs and Fernando asks then:

"Was dad always so mean?"

He lies on the pillow and Almonda shocks that question. She never wants that Fernando has a bad experience about his father. Almonda answers:

"Look...he was many years in war. He must get to used that all here. I wish that too that he is normal like before when he go to war. But sometime he is the old one. And I promise that he never beat you okay?"

Fernando nods and his mum asks then:

"Is everything okay with your cheek?"

She looks on it and Fernando nods. Almonda smiles and kisses his forehead

"Good night Nando"

Then she go out and close the door. Fernando close his eyes and sleeps....

Fernando Cienfuegos - the life from the heartbroken SeñiorWhere stories live. Discover now