Home sweet home

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Fernando lies 1 one week in the hospital and luckily he has only a bruise on his knee. The camp gave him his things and he is glad that his poems are not gone. One week later can Fernando back to home and Almonda is already excepting him. Alberto is in Mexico to work in the hotel. Fernando stands in front of the door and really happy come back. Further he knocks on the door. Almonda stands already in front of the door and that's why she opens it immediately and hugs him. First is there silentness and she begins to cry. Fernando turns his arms around her too because he misses her terribly. Still is there silentness til Almonda begins to talk

"I'm so proud of you...I'm so glad you are fine...this would be horrible for me when you are suddenly away."

Then she looks to him and she strokes over his cheek. Fernando looks to her and smiles short

"Me too...the war is horrible...I never go to the war again...I make my dream job..."

Almonda smiles and says then:

"Come back honey...take a shower and relax now...but with me in the livingroom...I missed you so much."

Fernando hugs her again

"Me too...I don't know how you feel and so on...and it was horrible to not to know."

Almonda smiles and she is just happy that her son is back and is proud that he is alive.
One week later is Alberto back to them and he already talk with Fernando about the war and other things. Fernando packs already his things out and lies his poems on the table. At the moment he is downstairs to do something. Almonda comes in his room to tidy up his room and walks to the direction from his table to tidy it up too. As she wants makes the paper away, she takes a one and reads one of his poem. She takes an other poem and is confused who the girl 'Ruby' is. In the few poems she is reading it, read she everytime this name. Fernando comes in the room and sees that Almonda is reading the poems

"Noooo don't read them!! Lie them immediately away!"

He runs to her and tries to catch them but Almonda lift them so that Fernando can't take them

"Heyy what's wrong? Let me read them!"

Then she reads them continue and for Fernando is it embarrassed that she reads them and says again:

"God mum please stop that! I don't allowed you to read them! Please!"

Almonda reads them continue and is touched from all these poems and that Fernando can write these. She looks then to him

"Are you write these poems?"

Fernando sighs deep and is kinda embarrassed because he don't know if his mum likes that or not.

"Yes...I write them..."

Then he sits down on his bed. Almonda looks short to the papers and then back to him

"And...who is the girl 'Ruby' who you named in your poems?"

Fernando says nothing and sighs deep and he is sad again because he hears her name. Few tears are coming into his eyes and he strokes with his hands over his face. Almonda comes closer to him with the poems and sits next to him and turns her arm around him

"Hey...what's wrong honey? Hm..? Who is this girl?"

Fernando sighs deep and answers then heartbroken

"Ruby is the girl I met in Mexico as I work with dad in the hotel....I had a relationship with her...we was only 1 week together because I must go to the war and I missed her...so terribly..."

He leans his head against her arm and Almonda is so touched what he explain. She asks:

"You was in love with her? Did she love you too?"

Fernando nods and sniffs quiet

"Yes...we kiss and cuddle...I gave her as a present a chain with a ruby on it because she remembers me like a ruby and her name was Ruby...this chain means that she should always remember about me and I'm always there for her even though I'm not there at her."

Almonda sighs and she is so sorry for her son and for her is it cute that she care of this girl

"May I ask how she looks like?"

Fernando answers

"Mum...she was so beautiful... you can't imagine that...her hair was beautiful blonde..her eyes great blue and her face is just pretty. God mum she was beautiful..."

He lies his hands over his face and shakes his head

"I never meet her again and I think I never meet a beautiful woman like her..."

Almonda strokes over his cheek and says then:

"Hey...honey...listen to me...its so cute that you care of a girl and that you in love in her. And I'm sure that you meet her again...I'm really sure..."

Fernando sighs

"Noo...I will never meet her again...the world is big..I don't have anything from her..nothing..."

Almonda kisses on her head and asks then:

"But why do you never told me that you write poems? These poems are beautiful really."

Fernando looks to her

"I was afraid that you find that weird..."

Almonda laughs short

"Weird?! Noo..absolutely not...I love it..."

Fernando smiles short and looks down again because of Ruby. Alberto comes to them and sees them sitting on the bed

"What's going on here???"

Almonda looks to him

"I think your son wants tell you something..."

She looks to her son and blinks with her one eye and Fernando shakes with his head. Almonda nudges with her arm softly on his and Fernando looks to his dad

"Well...uhm...so..as I was in the hotel with you...I...I...had a relationship with a girl...her name was Ruby and I was so in love with her...that's why I was tired in the workdays because I met with her always at night...I'm so sorry dad that I don't tell you that..."

He looks down again. Alberto is shocked and comes slowly to them

"You was in a relationship with a girl meanwhile the hotel thing?"

Fernando nods and don't looks to him. Alberto asks:

"Why do you not tell me that?"

Fernando looks to him

"I was afraid that I get trouble with you...because you mean that I should concentrate about my work..."

Alberto sighs

"No...you got not trouble... I would be glad that you was in a one...and...the relationship ended because you must go in the war?"

Fernando is surprised about his reaction and nods then. Alberto sighs again and shakes his head

"Fernando...when you told me that then I organize that she wait for you...really...and now stop crying...she is not here anymore and maybe she forget you already."

Fernando sighs deep and the words are hurting him. Almondas arm turns around Fernandos waist

"Alberto do you not see? He is in love! His first love!"

Alberto shrugs with his shoulders

"And??? This is not my problem! He should live with that. Sometime he will forget her."

Fernando looks to Alberto and heartbroken he say:

"I will never forget her! She is my first big love! She is wonderful! Amazing!"

Fernando looks down again. Almonda strokes over his back and she don't know how she should help him. Alberto grumbles and walks out from the room.
Fernando stays first at home and enjoy the togetherness with his family. And he go to the therapy to process the traumatising from the war...

Fernando Cienfuegos - the life from the heartbroken SeñiorWhere stories live. Discover now