♥️10 of Hearts Pt.4♥️

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TW Violence and a long ass ending

After we told Arisu everything and him figuring it out woth the clues, he had a guess of who the witch is. Hopefully his theory is right and cam tell everyone and to get on our side. We went to the lobby of the beach but we saw the militants putting everyone at gun point. To get everyone attention i fired shots out of the riffle. "Everyone stop it!" Arisu yelled. As we walked through. "Let end this game. I was confined by you guys, the entire time, eveen when the murder occurred. Im sure you know i couldn't be the witch." Arisu said to Alguni. "If you aren't the witch, then their no need to kill me." Arisu spoke. "Aguni, please cooperate with Arisu and search for the witch." I said. Aguni walked to us, My heart was racing due to how scared i was. Alguni then hit Arisu in the nose and pushed him to the floor. Usagi to check on him. And Arisu was teared up. I ran to push Alguni off. "Stop It." But he shoved me to the floor. Asshole. "Now i know the reason. Why you attacked Arisu, even though he's the only one with an Alibi... That's becuase you're the witch." Usagi said to Aguni. Alguni hit Arisu again making him fall in Usagi arms. Everyone was quiet they didn't know what to do.
One member asked if Aguni was the witch, and all i saw was fear in the militants eyes. And what Alguni said next was unbelievable "Yes. Im the witch." The militants immediately pointed their guns at now their former leader. Aguni dropped his gun and walkes to them. Talking them to shoot him. And the members agreeing. I then saw that a fire was spreading. "Aguni not the witch." Arisu said. "This is a ten of hearts gamd. A game that toys with people's feelings!" Arisu said. "Its not a game where you win by killing Aguni."i said remembering what Mira said. "Your not the witch. So why? That's because you have another motive." Arisu said. Usagi was confused. "You didn't kill Momoka.. But you killed Hatter." Arisu said.

Niragi pov
I got up fighting the last flames off of me. Who the Fuck am I still alive? I looked at the reflection in the window and holy Shit. I look like burnt bacon. Everything hurt, i think I broke my ankle but I can still walk. I went and sat down by the pool and seeing all the bodies their. I grabbed a gun from the gound and see it was fully loaded. I ripped off mu shirt and put it over my head tying it making me look lile some sort of superhero even though im like a villian. I can't believe i did this, to myself,to Amaya, to all those idiots inside. I got up and was about to Try to leave this place but I saw Amaya. She looked so gorgeous. I wish i was more like her,Kind,caring,badass. Im just an asshole,Physcopath,selfless,and only cares about me leaving this game, and maybe with her. I had have two choices, either wait out here til the game over and leave or go in their and cause more- Then I saw Aguni fighting literally the whole beach "What the fuck is he doing?" He was being tackled and kicked, i don't what to do. Should I go help him?

Amaya pov
I ran and tackled Aguni but I got thrown like a rag doll back to Arisu and Usagi. "Ouch" "You ok? Usagi asked. "Yeah. What do we do?" I asked panicking. "Aguni gonna try to take the beach down with him" Arisu said. We all looked scared. Then Asahi came to us. "I know how to stop Aguni! I'll get Aguni's attention. Use the chance to burn Momoka in the fire of judgement! Arisu end this meaninglessness massacre." She said, we were comfused but she ran to the center of the lobby amd screamed to the top of her lungs. "Listen up Everyone! Im the dealer of this game!" And right then... Asahi was beamed by a laser and was killed. Dealer?
"It was reverse grip." Came Ann and Kuina. I ran and tried to help Ann to walk. "Fingerprints with a reverse grip were found on the knife." Ann continued. Holding the knife up showing finger prints. "So that means.. Momoka grabbes the knife and stabbed it through her chest?" I asked. "Yes she basically said that dummy" Kuina whispered to me. Everyone was now questioning. Why she did it?She was a dealer? But Asahi was a dealer. The blue cap spoke up "because she's human like the rest of us. Ordinary Humans." "The two of them were best friends." Usagi added. "Aguni.. Don't let the deaths of the innocents go to waste. I understand how you feel about killing your friends. But we shouldn't take our anger out on those who are still alive!" Arisu yelled, what he said made me start thinking of Niragi again. How he let his frustration out on innocent people. And now looked what happened. I don't know where he is but I hope he's alive. "We are still alive! We're all facing despair head on and fighting until the very end. DON'T LOOK DOWN ON THOSE WHO ARE STILL ALIVE" Arisu yelled more and more as i started to tear up. He knows what i mean, this place is crazy and instead on helping each other we're killing each other one by one. And now they understood.
"The fire spreading." Someone yelled. Everyone ran back away from it. "Move the body to the fire of judgement" i yelled. They went but someone shot them. And another. Then a figure appeared from the flames. "Ow that hurt." The firgure said. Why did he sound familiar. Then my eyes widened. "In the first place, i should have just burned down the beach with the fire of judgement." It was "Niragi?" What the fuck happened to him. "With this I'll clear the game" he said laughing away shooting at everyone. i saw Usagi run and jump on him and Arisu following but They were beaten so I went for it. I ran and jumped on his back. "Niragi please stop." I cried while not letting go. "Get off of me you bitch." He said. "No you piece of Shit." He tried hitting me off while shooting at everyone else. "Get off Amaya!" I then saw Niragi pointing at Arisu then yells "I will kill you all!" "This isn't you Niragi. I love you too much to lose the real you." I said crying. He stopped for a minute. "I- i love" He was gonna say but he saw Aguni running to him and he started shooting. "Amaya let go" Aguni yelled. "No!" I yelled and when Aguni attacked him I felt Aguni rip me off Niragi throwing me to the floor. I saw them both going into the Flame. "NO Niragi!!!" I yelled while hearing the screaming and gunshots and then the shots were stopped. My hearts dropped thinking the worst as i was waiting for who was gonna come out. But Then we heard a bell from our phone saying we have 3 minutes "Their no time get the body to the fire of judgement" Kuina yelled. I shook my head as i was waiting. Then Kuina grab me while i was trying to refuse "No no no please NIRAGI PLEASE NIRAGI." as i was crying feeling like a piece of my hearr was ripped away not knowing if he was alive or not....
We threw Momoka to the fire of judgement looking at the fire rising from the new bodies. I was wrapped in Kuina's Arms as we walked away. I looked back hoping to see Niragi but she grabbed me back to her. "Please Kuina let me find him."i said through my tears. "Im sorry Amaya but as your friend... I want to protect you." She said my eyes then widened "are you gonna kill me?" I said "What? No we're gonna find Chishiya."i then stepped back. "I don't wanna see him." I said But she just dragged me with her. We met up with Chishiya my blood was boiling just seeing him. "First off Amaya i wanted ti say im sorry. Sorry for betraying,sorry for not being a good friend,sorry for almost getting Arisu killed." He said"you don't sound sorry." "Ah that's just the way I talk. Will you forgive me?" He said having his hand out. I rolled my eyes and just shook his Finger "that's how much i forgive you" he shrugged and walked up the stairs as we followed seeing a 10 of hearts card. He then grabbed it and observed it "You are persistent too." Kuina said still hugging me. "I started to think that it's pointless to collect all the playing cards." He said "What you say?" Kuina asked him confused of what he means. "But with this, we've got everything except for face cards. But I wonder what the management team of the game wants us to see?" He said, Does he mean new games?

A few days passed, And all that's in my head is what Chishiya said,Where's Arisu ans Usagi,And Niragi. We said we'll leave the game together but I don't even know if that's a thing. I don't even know if he's alive! Im hoping he is but hard to say Aguni strong but so is Niragi. We were walkinh in a subway station looking for supposely the headquaters of the games I guess. We were just following Chishiya becuase he had a map from when we played that hide and seek game. We found it finally but the door was already opened. I was worried but still walked in... Then all we saw was bodies lasered through them. "They were all killed?" Kuina asked. "Im guessing maybe becuase of Asahi." Chishiya said still looking. "What's over there?" I said seeing lights coming through. They looked like 2 flashlight beams. We went to it seeing Arisu and Usagi. We went out to see them "As expected from someone I have high hopes for." Chishiya said. "We meet again." Kuina added. I went and gave them a hug. They were important to me too. "Thanks to you guys, I have all the numbered playing cards with me. Thank You." Chishiya said. "How did you discover this place?" Arisu asked. He then raised a piece of paper. "It took some time to realize that this is actually a map of a subway station." Chishiya said showing the two. "What happend when we collect all thw cards?" I asked. "I thought i would know the answer after we came here. But there's only one thing i discovered." Chishiya said, "They're no game masters." Arisu answered, "Right, Judging from the fact that they were all killed after our victory. They're human like us, and on top of that, there's someone above them" Chishiya explained. Everyone was quiet hearing that "Just who could it be." Usagi asked as Chishiya answered "Who knows. They might be aliens." He said As i hit him "Aliens? Really" i said But he then looked at me. "Or even god it's self." He added. Then Suddenly the TV's turned on saying a special announcement and following it was someone saying congratulations and that person was "Mira? I knew their was a reason I hated that bitch." I said they all looked at me. "Gut feelings" i added. "With exceptions of face cards games, all of you have cleared the number card games and emerged victors. A sweet victory you grasped by sacrificing numerous lives. I wonder how many comrades have died? Or for some... Lovers." I clenched my fists as she knew why she added that. Kuina hugged me to calm me down. Mira explained that the game are not over, Only the number games are over. Tommorw we start the Face Card games. So that means why now need to get face cards if we wanna go to the real world? I wish they were aliens If I see Mira Im going to kill her. We walked out to the city seeing blimps holding big banners with face cards and fireworks and a building lit up that says Next Stage. "We'll definitely find our answers there." Arisu said. As we all looked at eachother wondering what can we expect in the Next Stage.

Oh yall think i would end the story like this? Hahaha no no I read the manga so I kinda know what will happen next😉~Author

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