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This chapter is dedicated to crazymelloplayer. I love you all.

I know he said it's all good but I can't help the part of me that gets scared as I think of what we could possibly talk about. Apparently he sees this because he tells me that.

"Baby, I promise it's all good. Its a good thing that concerns both of us."

Okayyy. Now, I'm curious.

"Okay. What is it?"

"Sit with me, come on."

I almost roll my eyes but catch myself because we all know that Brandon hates that.

"Baby, you always ask why I don't want to date any of the girls in school. Now, I want to answer that question."

"Okay, tell me." I huff getting inpatient.

"I love someone else. I have actually loved her for a long time, you see."


I think he just brought my heart out and crushed it. Did I read the signs wrong? But he kissed me, made me cum, he-

"Baby, are you listening?"

I knock myself out of it. I can mourn later.

"Y-yeah. Who is she?"

He rolls his eyes. Hypocrite. Suddenly, I'm airborne and landing on his lap.

"YOU, Geez! Seriously, would I do all the things I've done with you if I didn't at least feel something?"

I hesitate because no, he wouldn't but I shrug and avert my eyes because one can never be too certain.

He grips my chin and turn my face to him.

"Baby, listen to me. I'm saying I LOVE YOU. I have always loved you. It will always be you."

I feel like my heart has been put back together. Dramatic, I know.

I smile really big because damn. I am so happy.

"I love you, too. Brandon."

He smiles, "I know."

I huff, "And how is it that you know?"

"I just know, baby. You gotta trust me on that."

"Okay. Can you kiss me now?"

He chuckles but leans down to kiss me because let's face it. Even on his lap, he still towers over me. And when he kisses me, it's like the first time it happened. Soft and sweet. Like a declaration of love.

"Now this, is my best birthday present ever."

I laugh because yeah, it is for me too even if it isn't my birthday.

"Let's watch a movie." He suggests.

"Sure, but I'm picking."

He chuckles,

"No problem. But don't forget that you owe me a punishment."

I gasp, "for?"

He taps my chin,

"For rolling your eyes at me. Now, go pick a movie."

I stand up and do as I'm told, little excited for what he's going to do because now I'm certain it is absolutely sexual.

I settle on Shadowhunters because I totally ship malec. We spend our day just watching movies and eating snacks and the time passes by quickly and soon, I'm on my way to Lizzie's place.

My Best Friend and I. (Best Friends series). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now