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Leah's pov,

It's been two weeks and I can certainly tell you that everything has been blissful and I have been sooo happy. Brandon is everything I have ever wanted and prom and exams are around the corner. Jo and Chase are finally together. Lizzie, well Lizzie's love is still unrequited. I think she is slowly getting over it. I know she will surely find someone out there that loves her for her.

Anyway, back to me. In as much as I am happy, there's one problem. Brandon has not had sex with me. I don't know why. We have these hot makeout sessions and then he just pulls back. Majority of times, he makes me cum and that is always spectacular but I want to feel him inside me. Ugh! Is that too much to ask for?

So, to remedy this, I have enlisted the help of Lizzie because let's face it, Jo and I are novice when it comes to sex.
And well let's say that the things I've heard from her mouth, I wish I could unhear them. Though, there were things she said that I was curious about and would like to try it because just hearing and envisioning it made me a bit excited and a little wet if I'm being honest.


"What do you think about spanking, Leah?"

I furrow my eyebrows and shrug.

"I've never really thought about it."

"You want Brandon to go the next level with you, right?"


"Okay. Judging from how he has behaved around you for the last few years, I am going to take a wild guess and say that he is a bit Dominant. So, what I'm saying is piss him off a bit. Not much, just a bit. And then, if he's angry enough, he would want to punish you. Cue in the spanking and the wild hot angry sex. Let's not forget that you owe him punishments already. I wonder why he hasn't still punished you. One should think he would be eager to hand out your punishment."

"Okay, okay, hold on a minute. First, I'm also not very eager for that punishment and i have refrained from asking him about it no matter how curious I am. Second, How sure are you that that's what's going to happen?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure. Like I said, wild guess. If he isn't into that sort of thing, then well at least you'll still have the crazy hot sex. And as we have already established,  your punishment would definitely be sexual. Now that we remembered your punishment, making him angry would just add to it. So, you have two options. One, remind him of the punishment or two, make him angry and add to the punishment."

End of flashback.

So hear I am, mentally preparing myself and trying to make a decision on what option I would rather go with. Brandon and I have already planned to spend the day together at his house. So, I get ready and drive to his house. I no longer bother packing a carry on bag because most of my things are already there. I get there and I knock because even if we are dating and I have my own key, it's still the polite thing to do.

The door opens. When he sees it's me, he just shakes his head and turns to go in while I smile and enter. Knocking is a habit. Hard to get rid of.

"Hey, baby. I was going to take a shower so just get comfortable and I'll be with you soon. Okay?"

I nod. "Yeah, no problem."

I sit on the couch and put on the TV. I settle on princess switch because I think that movie is hilarious. When the scene where Prince Edward and Margaret goes shopping for the children at the orphanage comes on, (sorry for the spoilers for those that haven't seen the movie yet.) I remember Brandon and I's first date.

My Best Friend and I. (Best Friends series). Book 1Where stories live. Discover now