The Demon

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No One's POV

(Y/N) and Cathyl have been dating for two weeks now and even though Cathyl had a hard time showing it sometimes she loved the time that they spent together. Today (Y/N) walked to the ranch to surprise Cathyl as he wanted to walk home with her as she said how boring it was to walk alone. When he arrived he was greeted by a bunch of Satyrs once again. He did what he could to avoid accidentally touching them as he kept his eyes up. Cathyl was done working so she was getting ready to leave, but stopped when she saw (Y/N) surrounded by the Satyrs. She saw (Y/N) in his predicament to end walking to the group and loudly clear her throat. All of the shorter women stopped to look at her. Cathyl grabbed (Y/N) to kiss him deeply and hold him close. She opened one eye to look at the Satyrs as if saying, "He's mine." The two then separated for air, for Cathyl to walk out with her boyfriend.

On their way home (Y/N) rubbed the back of his neck, "So that kiss was very sudden." Cathyl scratched her cheek a little, "Well I was just so happy to see that you came to the ranch for me." "Then I should definitely do it more often then." The two made it home for Cathyl to check the fridge, "Oh we're out of a lot of thibgs." "Oh well I'll hop on over to the store and grab a few things for dinner." "I'll go too." "No. You should take a shower and rest after a long day of work." Cathyl walked towards (Y/N), "Fine-" She then hugged him close, "But be sure to come back soon alright." (Y/N) patted her back, "I will."

(Y/N) went to the store to buy a few things. As he was walking back home he stopped once he saw a pair of purple glowing eyes in an alley way staring at him. He walked into the alley way, "Hey is anyone there?" He then heard a feminine voice, "Well aren't you a nice prey~." A purple smoke started surrounding him, "Did you just say prey?" A woman started circling (Y/N), "Just take a deep breathe and come with me do that I can make all of your wishes come true~." She then stood in front of (Y/N) to blow the smoke in his face. It went into (Y/N)'s nose for the young man to stare blankly. Until he looked down at the demon women, "Sorry, but I've got to get home. Have a nice day." He started walking away to wave behind him, "Have a nice day." As he walked away the demon watched him walk away as the demon woman looked confused, "Huh?" (Y/N) returned home for Cathyl to greet him with a hug, without thinking about how she was just in a towel.

The Next Day

(Y/N) was on his way home until he felt like he was being watched.  He looked behind him to see the demon woman from yesterday hide behind a corner. He continued walking to get out his phone to call someone, "Hello Mrs. Smith." Mrs. Smith sounded like her happy self, "Hello again, uh..." "(Y/N)." "(Y/N)! What is it dear?" "Well yesterday I met this demon woman yesterday and she seems to be following me today." "How intriguing. I'll come to your location right away." "Thanks." (Y/N) continued home to set all of his stuff down to see that Cathyl would be home in a few hours. After a few minutes of resting he heard someone knock on the door.

He answered for him to see Mrs. Smith standing next to the demon woman, who was handcuffed. Mrs. Smith waved, "Hello again (Y/N)." (Y/N) waved back, "Hi Mrs. Smith." "So is this the one that was stalking you?" "Yep." "Good, that means that we've got the right one." She then gestured towards the demon, "This is Damina. She has been using some kind of mist that works on men to seduce them, take their money, and then leave them stranded in the middle of nowhere. But for some reason it didn't work on you. So she will be staying with you so that we can keep a close eye on her." "Say what?" Mrs. Smith put a tracking collar on Damina's ankle to takeoff her cuffs. Damina rubbed her wrists, "Aw~ I was starting to like the cuffs~."

A bunch of workers then came into the house to add another room within a minute. They and Mrs. Smith then left leaving Damina and (Y/N) alone in the house. Damina quickly hugged (Y/N) from behind, "Hello again my prey~. Why don't we try to get a little closer~." The young man got the demon off, "Sorry but I'm already taken." "Phoey." Damina checked out her room to begin trying to seduce (Y/N), but to no avail. Some time later (Y/N) started cooking dinner for Damina to be sitting on the  counter next to him, "I will make you mine, mark my words."

The front door then opened for Cathyl to walk through. (Y/N) smiled seeing her, "Welcome home." Cathyl smiled at him to change her tone when she saw Damina. She quickly walked up to the demon woman, crossed her arms, and looked down at her with a shadow over her eyes, "Who are you?" Damina looked at her up and down, "Oh I get why you don't want me. You already have this." She then grabbed Cathyl's butt and squeezed. Cathyl stood strait for one of her legs to come up. She clenched her fists to punch down, but Damina moved quickly behind Cathyl. She reached up to grope Cathyl's chest and squeeze, "And these." Cathyl blushed to swing behind her for Damina to jump back as she used her wings to fly up and hover. (Y/N) put his hand on Cathyl's arm to calm her down, "Mrs. Smith assigned her to live with us." Damina flew up to Cathyl's face, "Let's get along okay~."

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