The Nurse

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(In this chapter you wear blue hospital pants and a blue hospital shirt)

No One's POV

(Y/N) was in a hospital bed as he was flipping through the channels on a nearby T.V. As he flipped through the channels he heard the door open, and when he looked to see who it was he saw his nurse. She was a human and dragon hybrid who was quite kind. She walked in with a bottle of medicine and a bottle of water. (Y/N) smiled seeing her, "Good morning Rina." Rina smiled at him as well, "Good morning (Y/N), how are we feeling today?" "Oh I'm fine. I don't feel any pain anymore." "Well just because you don't feel it doesn't mean that it's not there. You still have a fractured hip. It's a lot better than before though." She then got out two pills from the bottle, "Here, these painkillers will help you with walking."

(Y/N) swallowed the pills with the water to smile, "I already feel better." Rina grabbed his pillow to fluff it a little, "That is good to hear. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." (Y/N) gave a forced smile, "Oh yay." Rina bent forward a little, "Hey that breakfast is good for you." "Then why is it always soggy, or incredibly dry?" "Well we do have to cook for an entire hospital, it can't all be good all the time." "I know, I'll just need some extra water with breakfast."

(Y/N) walked for the first time in days to make it to the hospital's cafeteria. It took him a while but he made it, just to be greeted with the gross food. He powered through breakfast to think about taking a walk around, but he was advised not to push himself too much so he just went back to his room. A few hours passed for his door to open again showing Damina walk in. A second later (Y/N) had his face buried in Damina's chest as she was hugging his head close, "Oh I've missed you so much darling!" (Y/N) did not mind, but Damina was laying her body on him which was hurting his hips. Damina was then taken off of (Y/N) by Cathyl picking her up, "Be careful. Your laying on his hips." Cathyl set the demon woman down for (Y/N) to be smiling, "It's good to see you two again." The two girlfriends smiled as Damina spoke, "It's good to see you too. We've missed you incredibly." "It's only been five days." "Well the past few days have been awful." Cathyl put her hands on her hips, "Damina is overreacting. We've been able to manage." Damina looked at Cathyl, "Says the one who whimpered when we went to bed and held a pillow pretending that it was (Y/N)." Cathyl blushed for her to look at Damina, "You do the same thing." (Y/N) snickered a little, "I miss sleeping in the same bed with you guys too." Damina got close to him, "How much longer do you have to stay here?"

Rina appeared behind her, "He will be here for another week." Damina became excited for Rina to continue, "But he cannot have sexual intercourse until he's been home for a month." Without thinking Cathyl blurted out, "Why?" Rina looked at her, "So that he can workout his hips as he recovers. Letting his muscles and bone structure in that area withstand more." She then walked next to (Y/N), "Now if you don't mind it is time for (Y/N)'s checkup. You can stay if you want." Rina went on to give (Y/N) his checkup, as Cathyl and Damina was watching from the side as they talked to (Y/N) and sometimes held his hand.

A Few Days Later

(Y/N) was left alone in his room again as he watched T.V. until he decided to go for a walk around the halls in the hospital. His hips were feeling better, so walking was not so difficult. As he walked through the halls he did not really see anyone accept doctors and nurses. Most of the patients were still asleep or in bed due to it still being morning. As (Y/N) was walking he heard a man yelling from inside of a room, "Don't you touch me you monster!" (Y/N) looked inside to see Rina standing somewhat near a patient, who was in bed, "Sir, I need to give you your medicine so that no infection builds up." "I don't want it from you! You probably put something in the medicine! Get me an actual nurse!" Rina bowed her head a little, "Yes sir." She then walked out for her and (Y/N) to make eye contact, for Rina to walk away.

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