The Drive

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David was driving silently behind the wheel until "let's play football" Ariana said making him stop the car and she got out. "What where?" He said getting out running after her with those girls "fine" he said walking with her side by side. As they got closer they noticed a Gang walking by and getting closer to Ariana. David pulled Ariana to his other side and grabbed her hand and whispered "I won't let them hurt you" softly into the ear of Ariana. David noticed something they all seemed to know her as they all gave her nasty glares as if she did something to them. When they left David asked Ariana "who were those guys" Ariana started crying "I don't wanna talk about it" she said in between sobs. "You can trust me I'll never judge you for your past" David said softly while wiping her tears off her cheek. "My bother Jonathan used to hang out with them then they started teaching him bad stuff so I got them all arrested" she said simply."Wow remind me never to mess with your brother" David said then they both laughed. When they finally got to the field they went up to the girls "can we play" Ariana asked "sure"said a girl who introduced herself as Sarah. They played for a while until Sarah had to go home on their way home David asked Ariana "do you wanna go to my game to tomorrow" "I'd love to David" she said excited "great I'll pick you up at 9". David grabbed her hand but as soon as he looked up a car was speeding toward him he try to jerk out of the way but it was to late....

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