☆ 14 - Never Noticed ☆

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A week had passed since that incident with JungKook, the interview that day had gone well, with the boys practically gushing about their album & upcoming performances.

You had made a point to avoid being near them afterwards but that didn't deter JungKook much at all, with him asking to ride with you back to the dorms.

He just wanted to talk he had said but you, of course, declined him, not wanting to risk being alone with him in a car, more so because of the realization you'd had that day.

You'd wanted him to cum inside you & you'd struggled not to say it & that worried you for several reasons.

Since he & you had that moment in the empty greenroom, he seemed even more desperate for your attention, texting you every chance he got if he hadn't seen you or calling you if he hadn't been able to hear your voice.

Now, sitting in your office, you look over the email that PD Bang had sent you just an hour ago, regarding your request to be removed as one of the band's managers.

His answer was no.

BUT he added that he'd allow you to co manage some of the other groups to gain experience, to which you agreed to, knowing it would give you a lot less chances of running into JungKook.

Throughout the week, he'd texted you repeatedly, his texts ranging from something as passive as a simple 'hi' or a string of emojis, to a meme or song lyrics, to selfies and texts simply saying 'I want you'.

The last ones, you were adamant in ignoring.

You sighed, running your fingers through your hair, glancing over the schedule for the next few months, which had you so busy you weren't even sure you'd have time to sleep.

But as usual, before you knew it, the weeks went by faster than you imagined, with you moving between the groups as much as possible.

You were exhausted but it kept you & your mind busy.

JungKook wasn't deterred much, still texting & calling you often and when he had the chance to be close to you, he did just that.

Standing, often flush against you or touching your body in a sensual way and on a few occasions, had even came up behind you and kissed your neck or wherever he could put his lips without anyone noticing.

You were always panicked that someone would see but he was sly with it and so far, no one had noticed.

Quickly, another 4 months had passed and you had managed to not be completely alone with JungKook and although you could tell he wasn't happy about it, at least you weren't completely ignoring him.

It wasn't like he hadn't tried to get you alone but you knew it was wise that you avoided any chance that might lead to he & you ending up having sex again, despite how much you wanted it.

You stood now in the lobby of a hotel in southern Gwangju, checking everyone in to their rooms for the boys concert in eight days.

They were excited & had been talking non stop about performing, you were simply exhausted, having been jumping between BTS and the other two bands Bang PD had you working with.

After the boys had settled into their rooms, you noticed it was barely past 8pm but headed down to the hotel bar for a drink, knowing the next few days were gonna be stressful as all hell.

You'd downed already three drinks when a hand landed hard on your shoulder.

You looked up to see Taehyung, smiling down at you with his usual boxy grin.

"What are you up too, noona? Starting early, is that it?"

You smiled back, grinning just as wide as he.

"Yep," You say, as the bartender hands you your fourth glass. "Just trying to relax before it gets too stressful, ya know?"

Taehyung smiled even wider, calling over the bartender & ordering a beer for himself before turning his attention back to you.

"I noticed you've been running around a lot," He says, turning slightly to his left to face you. "I hope you're not wearing yourself out too much.."

"Don't worry," You laugh, patting his shoulder. "Trust me, I'm fine."

You down the fourth glass while Taehyung downs his beer, both of you chatting aimlessly, you quickly on your way to being drunk.

As you two talk, you notice how he lightly touches your knee and your arm, his eyes darting between yours & your lips.

You noticed how he leaned close while he talked, how he cocked his head to the side & licked his lips as he spoke to you, his voice deep and alluring.

You found yourself getting turned on while your mind wondered what his smooth, deep voice would sound like in your ear while he fucked you, how his lips would feel across your skin...

Suddenly Jungkook's face popped into your mind & you began realizing what you were thinking, you shake your head, noticing how drunk you really are.

You take a glance at your watch, realizing it's already almost midnight, you playfully smack him on the arm, giving him a lopsided grin.

"I'm going to.. to.. call it a night, Taehyung," You say, slightly slurring the words. "And you should prob.... probably head to b-bed yourself. You have to get... up... early too, no?"

He smiles at you, his hand gently placed on your knee again as he slides it up your thigh a bit and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"You're right, I do..."

You gulp, watching his eyes slide from your eyes to his hand, then back up, licking his lips as he settles his stare on your mouth.

You stare at him for a moment before you finally stand, staggering a bit as you do and he stands with you, tenderly putting hand on your lower back to help you steady yourself.

"Goodnight, noona. I'll see you in the morning..." He murmured into your cheek as he gives you a light hug and takes a small step back.

You gave him a shallow bow, excusing yourself quickly and scurrying away as fast and as carefully as you could.

When you're at the doorway to the bar, you glance back to see Taehyung's eyes still on you, a familiar smile on his face as he waves at you with a wide, boxy grin.

You give him a nod with a quick smile as you hurry off, wondering how you'd never noticed that look on HIS face before.

The same look you'd seen on JungKook's face recently...

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