The Day Before

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Ugh damn. School starts tomorrow. One month of holiday is not enough after terms of school.
American high school students get like 3 months in the middle of the year and Singaporean students get 1 month in the middle of the year then at the end of the year, 2 months.
I really wanted to make some friends back in Sydney when I went there about a couple weeks ago. Or a nice guy, I don't know.
Guys I know in Singapore are just...not up to my standards. Okay I know that sounds...whatever you wanna call it but me wanting high standards in guys makes it so much easier to not fall for guys easily. Me switching my feelings off helps too. You know, being a heartless bitch.
I don't know exactly what my type is. I tell myself that guys who are well-dressed, smell good at all time, wealthy or at least come from a well brought up family, smart, independant, resposible, reasonable...I could go on. This is just basically a list of my basic turn ons in a guy or what I'd see my perfect boyfriend or future husband as but in reality, I realise I'm more of a "If I like you, I like you".
You know?
I haven't had a proper crush in forever. Although I can admit that I've had one crush. Isaac. He's such a nice guy. Like REALLY nice. He never gets mad and everyone in school likes him. He's always smiling, making people laughing and such a cheerful guy. It's impossible for anyone to hate him.
I can't say that for me.
He gives me mixed signals and I can never tell if he likes me back. I mean, I wouldn't date him. I don't like him enough but he's the guy that most girls would want to date him. One of my best friends, Cheryl, who happens to be close to him too, told me that he said he didn't like anyone or didn't wanna say who he liked because he "knew" that so many girls like him and he doesn't wanna "hurt their feelings".
That pissed me off. Bitch, I've seen way hotter guys than him going for the girl or girls they like. Pfft. I could live without him. I just started liking him after like 8 months of knowing his existence because all the better looking guys of the school had graduated. I mean, not having a crush in school can be insanely boring. So he's who I chose.
So, yay for me because I get to see his face tomorrow. Not.
He and I used to be in the same class last year and he year before but I got held back a year and so yeah. Better that way. I can say that I blame him for making me fail my exams. Kinda. He was a distraction and our classmates kept teasing us. Until now but whatever. I don't even like him anymore.
I kinda miss his smile though. And his cute laugh.
No. Forget him. He's got a flat voice. He sounds like a duck. And he's pretty. Why would I wanna date someone who's prettier than me? And I have standards. If I wanna date someone pretty, I'd turn lesbian. Or at least bisexual. There are way too many hot guys out there. Not in my school but I have hope for guys out there.

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