chapter 11 Pregnancy test

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Jungkook woke up earlier than everyone. He didn't feel to good. He felt sick. As if he had to throw up.

He then gagged and got up and went to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. After Jungkook was done he turned on the shower. He cleaned himself up and went to the bedroom. He changed into one of Taehyung's oversized shirts and put on underwear.

He then felt his stomach grumble so he went the kitchen. When he got there he saw Jimin.

"Good morning Chim"

"Good morning kookie"

They exchanged. "Why are you up so early?" Jimin asked. "I woke up sick, and now I'm hungry" Jungkook replied. Jimin nodded. "We can go get something later but come on I'm gonna take you go get some tests" Jimin said. 'tests?' Jungkook thought. He didn't know why he needed them.

They both got ready and left the house. They made sure to grab umbrellas since it was raining again.

They made it to a convenience store and they got food and pregnancy test...well Jimin bought them. On the way home they talked and ate a sandwich they bought.

When they made it home Jimin handed Jungkook a box of pregnancy tests. "Take one today and wait okay"

"Okay" Jungkook and went upstairs with it. When he got to the room he took off his shoes and socks and went to the bathroom. He looked at the instructions on the box and then took it. He waited about 30 minutes and kept glancing at it. He was scared.

Jungkook looked at it and saw that it was positive. He covered his mouth in shock and tears started running down his face.

He ran into the bedroom and woke up Taehyung. "Tae wake up" Jungkook cried. Taehyung popped up hearing Jungkook's froggy tone. "What happened baby?! Why are you crying?" He asked holding Jungkook's face. Jungkook then gave him the test. Taehyung's expression changed to a shocked and excited one. "A-am I still dreaming or no?" Taehyung suddenly asked.

"No it's real Tae, I'm pregnant"

"Oh my god"

Taehyung then hugged Jungkook and cried also. They both are having babies. It was a happy day for them. Especially Taehyung. He gets to be a father for the first time.

(3 months later)

"Tae hurry we have to go see what our baby is!"

"I'm coming!"

Both of them were happy to go to the doctors office and see what their baby is.

They both drove to the doctors office and checked in. "Please follow me" The doctor said and they followed. They went in a room where you get ultrasound.

The doctor rubbed cream on Jungkook's belly and scanned his belly with a sonographer. "You are having twins!" The doctor suddenly said. "They're boy and girl" she said again. Jungkook put his hands over his mouth beyond shocked. Taehyung was also shocked. " I- we are having twins" Taehyung said. They were happier than a quokka.





When they got home they broke out the news to the others and they were happy. They all talked about what they should do since Jungkook was pregnant. "Let's go shopping" Jimin suggested. They all agreed and went to different baby stores.

I'm not gonna lie but they came back with lots of things. "Why does it look like we just bought the world?" Jungkook asked. "Well I basically do own the world" Taehyung suddenly said. Jungkook smiled and kissed Taehyung's lips.

"Okay I know we are all tired so let's get some rest before dinner" Jin said. "Okay" they all replied.

Taehyung carried the bags to their room and flopped on the bed afterwards. "Tae how do you feel about having twins?" Jungkook asked.

"It feels great, I always wanted to have kids, and now I have them"

Jungkook smiled and kissed his lips passionately. Taehyung kissed him back and hugged him. They drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.



Jungkook woke up to kicking. He thought it was Taehyung for a bit until he felt it again. He groaned and touched his belly. He then felt like he had to use the bathroom so he went.

Afterwards he felt hungry. He went downstairs to see everyone else. "Hey kookie" Jimin sweetly said. "Hi Mochi" Jungkook said back. Jungkook went to grab a water and his prenatals and he took them. "Could you go wake up Taehyung?" Jin asked. Jungkook nodded and went upstairs.

"wakey wakey" Jungkook said pulling the cover of of him.

Taehyung rolled over and looked at Jungkook. "What?" Taehyung said rubbing his eyes. "Jin Hyung said to come downstairs" Jungkook said.

Taehyung got up and walked towards the bathroom first. Jungkook went downstairs and sat next to Yoongi.

Soon Taehyung came downstairs the stairs. He sat next to Jungkook. He put his head on Jungkook's lap and turned towards Jungkook's belly. Taehyung kissed his belly and lifted his shirt a bit.

After dinner they went to their rooms. Taehyung layed on Jungkook's belly and kissed it multiple times.

"Tae you look tired" Jungkook worriedly said. "I'm fine baby" Taehyung said. But Jungkook knew he was lying. "I'm going to bed now" Jungkook said and layed down. "Okay fine I'm tired" Taehyung said sighing feeling defeated. "I thought so"

After that they went to sleep.

In the middle of the night Jungkook woke up and went to the bathroom. He had to potty so bad. After he was done he felt hungry again. This time he was craving chocolate. He went downstairs to see Jimin.


"Hmm, why are you awake?"

"Because I'm hungry and what I'm craving is something sweet" Jungkook said caressing his belly. "Oh good thing I have some" Jimin said and smiled. Jimin handed him a cookie jar and Jungkook ate them hungrily.

Jimin also got him some banana milk with it. "Thank you" Jungkook said. "No problem" Jimin said sweetly smiling.

Jungkook ate about 10 cookies and put the rest up. He then went back upstairs after cleaning his mess. He climbed in bed with Taehyung again. "You okay babe?" He heard Taehyung say. "Yea I was only hungry" Jungkook replied. Jungkook kissed Taehyung's cheek and layed down.

"Night night Tae"

"Goodnight Love"

Taehyung replied. Jungkook fell asleep and Taehyung pulled him closer. As he tried to go back to sleep, he rubbed Jungkook's belly. Then he finally went to sleep again.

Sorry it took me so long😅

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