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so look okay, yesterday in school I was told I smell like urine. Look, I am 13 fucking years about to turn 14. I am sure to wash myself frequently, brush my teeth, wash my face. Make sure I don't look ashy, and put deodorant on. while the rest of the disgusting fuckers in my school don't even bother to do anything with their lives. like their breath stinks, their teeth are so horrible to look at and half of them smell like they've lived in a fucking park with birds shitting all over them. so to tell me I smell like urine, that ruined my entire day Friday, although it didn't seem like it. you people were probably smelling yourselves nasty asses. I wipe! I wipe when I urinate and defecate. Okay? and we went over this. the smell of urine is in the math classroom. so get off my damn dick about it (don't mind the dick part, I am in fact a female.) ugh. I hate when people in school confront me man. this is why I'm only close to like 4 or 5 people in the school man. Like seriously. how are you talking behind my back but yet you still talk to me? no don't do that, I will not talk to you ever again. look in the mirror you little shit and just examine yourself. smell your armpits, smells like onions right? yeah that's you. look at your teeth, they look brown, huh? maybe you should actually put use to that toothbrush and toothpaste your mother bought for you. end of rant. (p.s they words in bold are not for my fellow readers. just a subliminal message to people in my school. they do not use wattpad, either that or they won't find me.)

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