this boy is something

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No one pov

A lovely Morning the family of 4 were all doing their own things husband on the table with a newspaper in his one hand and a cup of coffee in another the wife cooking pancakes for her children
The sister applying her makeup and eating .

Everything looked like the perfect family of 4- opps I forget one of the family members

A beautiful boy still sleeping with his teddy .

"Wake up and have breakfast with us come on son" the mom loveimgly woke the son up
"Son eat fast I'll take you and your sister to your new university" the dad said
"Brother today's our first day don't leave my side u might get lost " the sister said
"I have packed both of your lunch eat it and don't leave anything "the mother bit her bye

Everything is perfect the perfect family a loving mom and dad a sister who thinks u as her Best frie-


The sound of the alarm clock woke the cutie up from his wounded ful dream. Just a dream.

"Mmmm..what is it ....." He lift the alarm from his night table and looked at the time
"Ok it's 7:30 ......SEVEN THIRTY I AM LATE " he got out of the bed head to the washroom and came out looking stunning but to him it was not even close to nice

When he got downstairs he looked at his plate. Burned pancakes and looked at his sister plate, delicious strawberry pancakes . Now he was not even surprised but still hoped one day it will change . One day .

"Mum I think I am not hungry anymore " taehyung said as he lost his hunger
"Great u should think about your wight too"
the mum mumble but he Hurd it clear but acted like he didn't . It was like a routine now

"Dad can u please drop me" he asked with a little hope
"I don't have time go by yourself " and that hope just went down the hill 

"Dad can you drop me "his sister asked
"Of course Aera honey "
"Mom I am done "
"Honey there is still so much food left eat please we don't want anything to happen to you now do we "

Taehyung felt sad looking at this. He felt left out .

He looked as their mom kissed Aera on the head as dad gave her money and prased her . He has always been watching their parents favour one and the other gets left lout like nothing .

The three Area Taehyung and went to their own way where dropped Aera off her school Taehyung ran .

Finally Taehyung reached his destination he took a pause and looked at the huge university

Tae go in the university by his own hard work where as his sister came by her father's money .

Taehyung walked with his head low not wanting to bump into someone , but luck was not with him .
He bumped into someone chest he looked up to see a smaller mam with muscles

"I am sorry I was not looking where I was going I am new btw I am taehyung" tae said a bit hesitant

"No one cares u are new so I am leaving you with a warning don't ever bup into me ever again and yeah names jimin " said the boy named jimin and pushed tae shoulder and walked away

Taehyung picked his books and went to the principal office . There he saw his sister with the principal

" Umm hi sir I'm Taehyung the new student "
"Ohhh taehyung the one with the scholarship here is your schedule Aera please take him to his class "

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