Chapter 14 ~ Confusing run-in with Fate?

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Chapter 14 is here!!!

I'm hoping ya'll are liking this!!

~*~ recap ~*~


Louis wrapped an arm around my waist and led me out of the mall and to a little blue bug. Niki crawled in the back and Louis helped me into the passenger side. Then, he got in and we drove in silence back to the boy's flat.


Louis' P.O.V

The minute we walked in the door, I was bombarded with questions.

"Louis, why did you leave?!"

"Where'd you go?!"

"Why couldn't you tell us?!"

"What was so important?!"

"Why were you in such a hurry?!"

Then they noticed Ariel's swollen eyes.

"Oh my gosh Ariel! What happened?!" Liam came rushing over. He grabbed her face and looked at her.

She just stared back. She smiled a small smile at him.

"It's ok Liam. I'm ok now!" She replied pulling his hands off her cheeks. "Louis came to help me." She smiled at me as she grabbed my hand. I blushed.

"I never got to say thank you!" She said, swinging our arms back and forth.

"No problem! If anything, you should be thanking Niki. She called me." I shrugged off the comment. She looked at Niki.

"Thanks! I'm glad I have a best friend like you!" Ariel squealed and gave the black haired girl a hug.

"You called Louis?! Why not me? Don't you trust me?!" Harry came rushing over with wide eyes.

"I would have called you if it had been MY problem. But it was Ariel's and I thought Louis would be better help. I guess I was right!" She smiled at him and pecked his lips lightly. I think that's the first kiss I've seen between them.... But it was nothing compared to Ariel and my first kiss!

"What was wrong?!" Niall asked worriedly. Ariel chuckled.

"I ran into Garret..... He wanted me back." She looked at the ground and a tear fell down her cheek. I pulled her into a hug.

"No more crying ok?! I forbid you from EVER crying in this flat again! Got that?!" I whispered jokingly. She giggled in my chest. That was what she had told me when I had told her about my break up with Eleanor.

"You guys will never guess what happened!" Niki squealed. Ariel's eyes got big. She clamped a hand over Niki's mouth.

"Shut up Niki! Promise you won't say anything." She whispered. I don't know who else heard her.

"What happened?!" Niall asked stepping forward and raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing!" Both Ariel and I said to him. He looked confused. Poor little Niall....

"I'm going to bed ok? I think I just need some rest." Ariel said, clearing her throat. I looked at her with sympathy. She must just be exhausted from all the trauma and drama. I nodded and she headed up stairs to my room.

"Oh my gosh! WHAT HAPPENED BOOBEAR?!" Harry yelled. I flinched.

"Yeah Lou... What happened?" Niki nudged me. "Ariel said I couldn't tell, but she didn't say anything about you! Besides, you were apart of it too." She poked me in the arm. All the lads turned to me with quizzical looks. Oh no... I was going I have to tell them!

"Arielranfromherexboyfriendandnikicalledmetocomehelpcuzshehadtoldgarrettthatiwasarielsnewboyfriendandtoconvincehimarielhadmovedonwekissed! I sucked in a HUGE breath. All the guys looked like lost puppy dogs.

"WHAT?!" Niall yelled. "YOU DID WHAT?!" Niall screamed pointing at me. His face was red and he slowly walked toward me.

"You caught that?!" Zayn asked the Irish lad.

"Of course I caught that!! HE KISSED MY COUSIN!!!" Niall turned on Zayn who whimpered and backed into the corner.


"You've already cheated on ME with Niki so I think we're good! And besides, it wasn't an actual kiss..... It was staged to get Garrett to leave her alone." I stared at the ground, suddenly interested in the lines between the wooden boards.

"Yeah... But just in case that didn't work, you PUNCHED him!" Niki said.

"You punched him?!" Niall asked confused. "Ok.. then I can forgive you! I've wanted to do that since I found out he hit her." Niall growled. Hatred in his eyes. Wait what?! GARRETT HIT HER!!!??

"GARRETT HIT HER?!!" Niki gasped. I guess she didn't know either. Niall nodded.

"Why didn't she tell me?!" Niki asked bewildered.

"She was so scared and hurt that night... She had no where to go but to me. You were in Florida visiting your Aunt. She came over and made me promise to not tell....." Niall glanced up the stairs to see if Ariel had heard.

"Gives me even more reason to kick his arse the next time he comes around...." I growled. Then my phone rang. I answered it only to receive the news that I least wanted to hear right now. Just when I thought we could have a chance.....

Ariel's P.O.V

I had gone upstairs to lay down for awhile. I needed to sort out everything going on in my head. That kiss... That kiss with Louis was amazing. I felt sparks and warmth all over. Was that supposed to be how it was with everyone? I never felt that with Garrett..... What was SSOO special about Louis that I could hate him SSOO much but yet want him around at the same time?!

I closed my eyes and tried to forget everything I was feeling. I didn't like Louis. I COULDN'T like Louis. He was in a famous boy band, one of my cousin's best mates, not to mention he pissed me off more than any other person on this planet!!!!

As I thought of things to make these feelings go away, I slipped into a dream.


"Louis stop!" I squealed as he grabbed my waist. He laughed in my ear and spun me around. His hot breath tickled my neck.

He looked in my eyes and pulled me closer. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked his lips.

"You look good in a tan." He chuckled. We were on the beach somewhere, and no one else was around.

"And you look good without a shirt on!" I said tracing my finger on his six pack. He laughed again.

"Well, I can say that I am very attracted to you in a swimsuit. Why aren't you a model?" He raised an eyebrow. I blushed.

"So, you'd be ok with pictures of me in a magazine only wearing a swimsuit for millions of men to be looking at?!" I questioned. His eyes grew wide, and scared.

"Um... Forget being a model! I want you ALL to myself." He pulled me closer still and leaned in. His lips were inches from mine. As I closed my eyes I waited to feel the tender push if his plush lips on mine. It never came....


I opened my eyes to see moonlight shining in through the window. I rolled over to see to see the alarm clock read 10:32. I slept all afternoon!!!! 

 I jumped out of bed. Was anyone awake still? I opened the door and went down the stairs. Everyone was seated on the couch looking sad and hopeless. I think Louis and Harry were even crying!

"What is going on?!" I asked worriedly. All eyes turned to me and they all looked like they had just found out someone had died........





what do you think is going to happen? Who do you think called Louis, and what did they tell him?

~*~ love ~*~

~ Taylor ~

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