The Guardian's of Exodiux

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Comment please! this is only the first chapter but ill add more if its good!

Early Beginning:


Sometimes you want  to wake up in the morning and just scream......but what causes this....emotion and emotion kills. This story isnt about emotion...thats the problem we can't choose what emotion we want to be because were to scared to even think it. Only because were destined to protect someone we dont even know, these powers, these dreams, this horror we went through, we went though a team in order to stay alive. A fight of war....a fight of emotion.....a fight we never wanted, begans now.....because if he dies we die.....this is our tell.....our horrible nightmare.....The Zweilts.


Before the Terror:

Chapter 1

Looking into the blue sky out of the schools window, I think about my mom and dad and wonder if they forgive me......forgive me for them being up there in that sky.....I think why dont I cry no matter how much i try.....maybe I am a monster, my mom always called me it. She always said she hated my red eyes and dark black hair. My dad always said I got my good looks from him. Thoughts about why I did it ran through my head.

Then the Teacher called my name, gave me and annoyed look, and said, "are you paying attention Mr.Yakashi", he ended with a mouth twicth like he wanted to bit my head of because i never pay attention in class.

I replyed with a smart "maybe", that really set him off.

Right then he clenched his had were he was holding a piece of chalk and screamed, "PAY ATTENTOON ASSHOLE!" he through a piece of chalk, you could hear it go across the room, it was like a sword cutting through air.

As fast as he had threw it, I caught it in my hand and said, "You shouldn't throw things at your students Mr.Syriyo" I smiled and threw the chalk back at him so quick when he blinked it already hit chalkboard, only about 2 inches from his head.

He let out a small "ek" as it flew right past his head, all the students looked at the teacher and then me, one of those people was Ino, she looked at me in disappointment as she always does when I embarresed the teacer. I hated disappointing her, and looking into those sky blue eyes.

I got out my seat and started to walk up to the teacher, as i was one foot from him in front of the class room, I said "Im really sorry Mr.Syriyo", I bowed as all people do when they live in japan, when he started to accept my apology I said "Maybe next time ill just let you hit me". 

"I cannot belive your in the principles office again Mr.Yakashi! You cannot continue to scare the teachers with your stupid ninja mombo jumbo anymore! Got it", the principle started to say, but i knew he wasnt done.

Before he could say anything else I interrupted, " He tried to throw chalk at me, and i said i was sorry", even though I didn't mean my apology. I looked around the principle's office and found that it was very big, like a museum, marbled walls, wooded floor tiles, and his desk was wooden black.I ended up loses thought and saw that Mr.kakashi, the Principle, was geting alittle impatient.


He didnt get to finish his sentence because just then he got a phone call. He said "One second dumbass I got a phone call, WAIT RIGHT HERE DONT MOVE!'.

The Guardian's of Exodiux *I am currently under maintenance of revising*Where stories live. Discover now