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chapter 4

(Raiku's POV)

As the ball of black flames came towards me, i thought of my death again. Why do i want to die so badly?  I had no time to think right now. The flaming ball came at me with incredible speed. It was like seeing a lightning bolt come towards me at it's full speed.

My mark started to glow like it did when fighting those silver-birds. I didnt make a shield like before, instead my body felt the urge to move. I dodged the dark ball of flames by jumping to the side. When it made contact with the ground it made an explosion. It wasnt to big so it didnt hit me. I got up off the ground and was surprised at myself. I wasnt expecting to move at all, and i thought again, I wasnt expecting to have these powers either. Maybe instinct comes with this mark.

I looked up at the Veniser and instead of seeing him i saw another dark ball of flames flying towards me. This time i really couldnt dodge it. It made contact with my arms as i held them up and made an X form to protect my face. There was an explosion and i was sent flying, skitting on the the ground. "AHH!" I screamed when i finally stop skitting.

The flames burned but it was cold and dark. This burning sensation wasnt like a regular burn, it felt like my body was on fire but there was no flames in sight. My school uniform was torm. The red trim around my risk cutt to pieces and my shirt looked like shit. "this shirt *cough* cost me forty-five bucks you bastard".

"You are not as strong as i expected, maybe you are just a puppet Zweilt".

"I told you *cough*". I started to get back up on my feet but it was like my whole body was on fire. I knew once i got up i wouldnt be able to move. "IM NOBODY'S GODDAMN PUPPET!". My mark started to glow. I felt the intensity of my body grow. I felt stronger, faster, and better. The burning sensation disappeared.

I put out my right hand and faced my hands towards the Veniser. "Ill show you whose the puppet!". The intensity grew stronger. Stronger and Stronger. It got so strong my hair was flowing like there was wind but i felt no breeze. "Come now Rai-kou!". The words just flew out even though i didnt know what they meant. It was like a new found power and chips of a memory that was lost, at the last minute grew inside of me at that moment.

As the words were called a long stream of black flames were in my hands. As i looked further it look more like a sword covered with flames. And i was right! As i said the words "Release!" the flames seperated and disappeared in the air. Then a long samurai-like sword was now in my hand. The part where the sword is suppose to have silver metal, there was all black metal instead. "Now the real fight begins" The veniser said.

(Ino's POV)

We were still in the nurse's office waiting for Raiku to wake up. I messed at least 3 classes, I thought. I wanted to cry, but i stayed strong and held it in. Is Raiku ever going to wake.

"Come on now dont be sad" Mr.kakashi said with a smile.

I frowned even more and just got angry. "How can you be so happy, Raiku may die you know!"

He leaned back in his chair and said, "I know more than anyone that hes not going to die".

"How can you be so sure?!"

"Because hes King of Dark Flames, nothing can make hes flames go out". This time when i look at him he seemed to have a face that seemed so gentle and sweet. Maybe I had it wrong. Maybe Mr.kakashi does care about Raiku. "Mr. Kakashi?" I started to say.

"Don't call me Mr.kakashi anymore, call me Unki".


"Yes Ino." He smiled at me

"Does Raiku ever say anything about me?"

"UH!....I mean....Um....Sure i guess....alot of stuff".

"Stuff like hang out with him alot dont you....I mean you guys are bascically brothers right?"

"We'll sure you could say that.....He doesnt say much around me though....just that you scald him alot".

"Oh". i looked down at my hands in my laps. I would have thought he would say more about me since.....

"I can tell he cares alot about you if you want me to say the Lovey-dovey stuff"

"What! No i was just asking". I looked the other way at Raiku and flushed red in my face. I didnt want Mr. Kakas-Unki to see.

I heard a slight snicker. "But sorry Ino you can't have him"

i looked back over shocked that he sad that. "Why can't I'

"Because i Love Raiku". After that I just screamed. "WAIT WHAT?!"

"I love....I love *snicker*....HAHAHAHA!"

"....why are you laughing!"

"AHAHAHA.....becaus-*snicker* HAHAHA! You actually believed me!"

"You bastard! I thought you were serious!"

"HAHAHA! Sorry i just thought i should add some laughter to this funeral".

I got up and held my head up and my eyes exploded. Next thing I new my hands were around his neck. "You bastard! You bastard! You bastard!"

"In-o, I thin-k Youre kill-ing me."

I let go and he was chocking for about 10 minutes. "Didn't someone tell not to play with agirls emotion's, If i could i would have killed you!'

"You know *cough* you dont take jokes very lightly"

I rolled my eyes and looked away. " This isnt a time for the funny business Unki"

"Oh come on im ju-". He's sentence was interupted by the Nurse coming in. She wore a pink long apron like dress and a hat with the red plus. She had golden blode hair and blue vortex eyes. "Has he woken yet" The Nurse asked.

"No he hasn't". I said

"He's still in the The land of Darkvoid's". Unki said with a frown on he's face.

""Wait she knows about The Land of Darkvoid's?". I asked.

"Yes i do". The Nurse said with a smile.

"But how? Is she a Zwielt too?". I asked

"Ino this is my sister Hana Kakashi".


The Guardian's of Exodiux *I am currently under maintenance of revising*Where stories live. Discover now