Hey, there Welcome to the Glam Society Awards!
Want know of you're a good writer or want to improve on your writing .
Or maybe receive recongition and more reads, then this is just the right place for you!
Come join and maybe you'll get the chance...
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So always, there must be rules to make sure things run smoothly. Below are the rules for Judges.
You must give a follow to the society and the founders of the society; MissFer_ and -Abbylicious
☆Add this book to your reading list and library.
☆Give a shout-out of this book on your message board.
☆ You can only judge two genres.
☆ You can judge and participant but not on the same genre!
☆ No bullying is allowed. We are all equal and our actions must prove the same.
☆ The timelines should strictly be observed and if there is anything that may hinder you from complying, you must inform the host of the awards; the community immediately.
☆ No giving or taking bribes. If anyone is caught doing that, we will be forced to terminate you from the awards.
☆ Once you have your books to judge start judging before the deadline.
☆ Your password is your favorite song.
PS: If you are not comfortable reading a book pm us!