Chapter 2

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Ally Brooke found Lauren the next day on the floor of her apartment. There were shards of broken glass everywhere from the lamp but luckily Lauren was nowhere near them. Ally walked around the broken glass as she made her way to her friend.

"Lauren," she said gently as she shook her. Lauren woke up with a jolt as her green eyes went wide. Ally held her by the shoulders as she told the younger girl to calm down. Ally could see the fear in Lauren's eyes fading as she registered who she was.


"Hey, it's me," said the older woman.

"Let's get you off the floor, shall we?" Ally said as she helped her up and sat her on the bed.

"I'll clean this up. You stay there, okay? I'll get you a glass of water," Ally said as she made her way out carefully.


Ally sat Lauren on the couch as she watched the younger woman gulp the water greedily as she devoured the cold turkey sandwiches she made.

"When was the last time you ate?"

"I can't remember," Lauren said as she finished the last bite.

"Lauren, you can't keep doing this to yourself," Ally said.

"Ally, I'm fine," Lauren said, "I'm just tired."

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Go back to your family, Ally. I don't want you to worry about me. I'll be fine," Lauren said.

"But Lauren, you're all alone and-"

"No buts. I appreciate it but you can't worry about me forever."

"I can try," Ally said with a shrug, "You're my best friend."

"And you're mine," Lauren said as she hugged the older woman.


Lauren was walking - or rather limping - in Central Park. It was harder when she had to use crutches but it was nice because no one knew her, though couple of old Harmonizers did recognize her and of course, she still loved her fans with all her heart. She signed a few things and took a few pictures before she continued with her walk. She carried on for a while until something caught her eye. She approached it slowly and saw that it was a phone. Lauren tried to bend down but because of her bad leg, she couldn't bend down without having trouble getting up. Just as she straightened up, someone collided into her and they fell.

"Ow," Lauren breathed out as she landed on her back.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!"

Lauren's eyes widened. She'd recognized that voice anywhere. She looked down and saw a familiar brunette getting up. Lauren blinked as the brunette ran her hands through her hair.

"Are you okay?"

Lauren found herself mute. She couldn't say anything. She just stared at her.

"Wait... Lauren?"

"Hi Camila," Lauren said.

Camila Cabello. The last person she thought she'd see.

"Um, how are you?" Camila asked.

"I'm in pain," Lauren said. Camila's chocolate brown eyes widened when she realized that she was still on top of Lauren. She quickly got up and apologized.

"So um, aren't you gonna get up?" Camila asked.

"I can't," Lauren said.

Camila blinked in confusion. That was before she saw the crutches right beside the dark haired woman.

"Oh my god!" Camila said as she helped the woman up, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Camila," Lauren said.

"So um... How are you?"

"I've been better," Lauren said as she adjusted her grip on her crutches.

"When did this happen?" Camila asked.

"The day you left," Lauren said.



"It was nice seeing you, Camila," Lauren said before she walked away from her former bandmate. Camila just watched as Lauren limped away.


Lauren walked up to her apartment door but she fumbled with the keys, so much so that she dropped them. She cursed under her breath as she tried to bend down to pick it up.

"Fuck," she muttered. She stopped when she saw someone bend down and picked the keys up. Lauren looked up and her green eyes met familiar brown ones. Lauren just stared at her.

"I um... I followed you," Camila said.

Lauren took the keys from her, her eyes held Camila's gaze. Lauren said nothing as she looked away and unlocked the door. She opened it to find Ally in her living room.

"Where have you been? I tried calling you and-"

Ally stopped mid-sentence when she saw Camila behind the dark haired woman.

"Camila," Ally said with a smile and teary eyes.

Camila returned the smile, "Hi Ally," she said.

Lauren rolled her eyes as she made her way to her bedroom. Camila let herself in as she approached the petite woman and hugged her.

"I missed you," Camila said.

"I missed you too, girl," Ally said as she pulled away.

"What are you doing in New York?"

"My last show is here. Then I have a few days off before I head back to LA," Camila said.

"How are you, Ally?"

"I'm good."

"Good," Camila said with a smile.

"Ally, um, can I ask you a question?"


"What happened to Lauren?" Camila asked.


Ally stopped when she saw that Lauren had come out of her room.

"Ally," Lauren said in a warning tone. Ally looked from Lauren to Camila before she apologized to the young brunette. Ally grabbed her bag and placed a comforting hand on Lauren's shoulder and giving her a small smile before she walked out of the apartment.

"Why'd you stop her?"

"It isn't her story to tell," Lauren said as she limp over to the kitchen, using her crutches.

"I read your book," Camila said as she sat on the couch.

"Did you now?"

"Hmm," Camila hummed as she nodded, "It's really good."

"How's writing coming along?"

Lauren took a sip of water, "It's not," she said as she limped over and placed a glass of water for Camila before she sat beside her.

"You're not writing anymore? Why?"

"I quit."

"Well, that isn't like-"

"The Lauren you know, yeah yeah. I heard it all before," Lauren said, "Well, the Lauren you knew, died 5 years ago."

"What happened to you, Lauren?"

"I don't know, Camila," Lauren said as she looked at the brunette, "You tell me."

"I think I should go," Camila said as she stood up.

"Yeah, go. See if I care," Lauren said as she crossed her arms and stared at the window.

"You used to," Camila said before she walked out.

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