Chapter 8

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Camila Cabello, Lauren Jauregui and Ally Brooke Ogletree waited at the airport for their fellow sisters to arrive. Lauren sat down not long after, since her legs couldn't handle the prolonged pressure. Lauren almost fell asleep when she heard a high pitched scream. She looked up and saw Camila running towards none other than Dinah Jane Hansen.


"Cheechee!!" Camila said as she jumped on her and gave her a koala hug.

"I missed you China," Camila said.

"I missed you too, Oala," Dinah said as she hugged her back.

After the two pulled away, they approached the other two Latinas. Ally gave Dinah a tight hug. Dinah turned to Lauren and smiled.

"Hi Lauren," Dinah said.

"Dinah," Lauren said as she moved forward and hugged her with one arm, "I've missed you."

"I missed you too."

When they pulled away, they heard a commotion. Lauren turned and saw Normani walking towards them and a large crowd of fans following behind. She had two bodyguards trying to keep the fans in a safe distance so that no one gets hurts.

When Normani Kordei Hamilton saw the four women, she stopped in her tracks as she took off her shades and smiled widely. She approached them as all five woman hugged each other in a group hug.

"How long has it been? Five years?" Normani asked.

"That's about, right," Lauren said.

"So what's this about a reunion concert?" Normani asked.

"We'll talk more at the apartment."


"Nice place, Jauregui," Normani said as she sat on the couch with Dinah and Ally.

"Thanks," Lauren said as she made her way to the kitchen only to be stopped by Camila.

"Lauren," Camila said in a warning tone.

"Fine," Lauren said as she made her way to the single armchair and sat down as she set her crutches aside.

"So how are you, Lauren?" Normani asked.

"I'm good. I mean I've been better but still good," the green eyed woman said. She looked up as Camila set three cups of tea on the coffee table before sitting on Lauren's lap as the couch was full. Camila wrapped her arm around Lauren's neck as Lauren wrapped hers around Camila's waist.

"Wait... Is there something-"

"Are you two like together or something?" Dinah asked.

Camila blushed as she hid her face. Lauren just gave her friends a smile. Dinah and Normani's jaw dropped as their eyes widened.


"Are you still on that, Dinah?" Lauren asked.

"Hell yeah! Once a captain, always a captain," Dinah said as Lauren chuckled.

"Good to know."

"So, this concert..."


The crew was setting up the stage in Madison Square Garden. Lauren watched as five stools were brought out. She jumped slightly when she felt a hand touch her shoulder. She turned around and relaxed when she saw that it was her girlfriend.

"Hey," Camila said.


"You okay?"

"Not really," Lauren said as she looked back at the stage, "I haven't sung in five years."

Camila gave her a reassuring smile as she placed a hand on her shoulder, "You'll do great. You always do," she said as she kissed her cheek. Lauren smiled as she reached out and held Camila's hand.

"Thanks, Camz," she said as she leaned in and kissed her lips gently.

"C'mon, let's get ready for the show," Camila said.


So many old Harmonizers came for the show. There were also many important people. The five girls sat on the stool as they sang all their songs acoustically. Lauren watched her girlfriend as she sang her parts effortlessly. A proud and loving smile appeared on the older woman's lips. When Camila was done singing, she looked over and smiled at Lauren, who then blushed and looked at the crowd. For a long time, Lauren felt at home. She was in her element, with her best friends - her sisters and the woman she loved. When they ended, the crowd roared. Lauren thanked the crowd and they started screaming her name. She almost forgot what that felt like. She felt overwhelmed with love that she started to cry. Camila smiled as she kissed Lauren's cheek. The crowd went insane, shouting Camren. Lauren just laughed as she grabbed onto her crutches and stood up. She gave the crowd a nod as the others bowed as they held hands. The five woman then exited the stage.

"That was incredible!" Lauren exclaimed as they got backstage.

"Thank you," she said.

"No," Camila said as she took Lauren's hands in hers, "Thank you."

Lauren frowned in confusion as she chuckled, "What did I do?"

"You sang with me," Camila said, "You sang with the girls. I missed your beautiful voice."

Lauren smiled as she gave her girlfriend a chaste kiss on the lips, "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Guys, guys!" Dinah called out, "Let's take a picture!"

Camila wrapped her arms around Lauren's waist as she rested her head on Lauren's shoulder. Lauren tilted her head so that her cheek was on top of Camila's head. Ally stood beside the two, followed by Dinah and then Normani. The five woman smiled as the flash went off.


Lauren looked at the picture and smiled. She turned when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She smiled when her wife, Camila Cabello, handed her a cup of coffee. Lauren gladly took the cup as she kissed Camila's temple, before wrapping her free arm around her waist.

"That was a good day," Camila said.

"Yeah it was," Lauren said as she took a sip of the coffee.

"How's your knee?" Camila asked.

"It's better," Lauren said.

"And how's the baby?" Lauren asked as she set the cup down and placed her hand gently over Camila's huge bump. Camila was 9 months pregnant and it was only a matter of time.

"I don't know. You tell me," Camila said as she repositioned Lauren's hand. Lauren's eyes widen, as did her smile.

"She kicked."

"It won't be long now. Then you'll meet your daughter," Camila said.

"Our daughter," the older woman said as she kissed her wife's lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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