Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1 ♡ Hᴀʏʟᴏʀ Rᴜɪɴᴇᴅ Mʏ Lɪғᴇ

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3 hours earlier.....

I could feel as the bitterness of the harsh winds, smacked me around. My arms grasped around my thin frame as I tried to get all the warmth possible. Even though there were a group of people surrounding me it didn't help the fact that it was just down right cold. Tears were running down my cheek from the cold, and I could feel the numbness in my fingers returning.

"Aimee, are you ready?!" I heard a voice quickly speak. The sound of camera's being clicked filled my ears as my eyes flung open. It was time.

I watched as the black van pulled up to the side of the road. I held the camera up, shakily in my hands. It didn't even feel like I was touching anything. Due to the numbness in my hands it just felt like I was barely holding on to something, there was no feeling.

Questions immediately clouded my hearing as I watched the curly haired male walk out of the black van. His hand was laced with someone's hand. And it wasn't long before everyone noticed the blonde, country singing starlet. Harry Styles was walking into a hotel with Taylor Swift. This was sure to be new news. I shakily moved my fingers and began shoving my way, closest to the front of the crowd of fellow photographers. Pressing down on the flash button on my camera made me feel as if millions of needles were pricking my finger. As I got multiple shots of the two I felt my grip on my camera loosen as soon as they began to walk towards me.

It all happened in slow motion. My eyes widened as I saw my camera fall right in front of Harry and Taylor. They were in such a rush that they managed to neglect the object and step directly on my camera. And that's the moment I had a spasm and died....

No, I'm kidding but I almost did have a spasm and died. When they walked off, I dropped to my knees and stared at the broken parts. If my life didn't depend on those pictures then I wouldn't have minded. But, this was my last chance to prove to my boss I was worth something. So, with that I yelled after the two before they walked through the doors.

"Hey! You stomped all over my camera!" I snarled. But to my dismay the two just kept walking and went in through the transparent hotel doors. They were heading for another night of inappropriate fun, without a care in the world. As I sat here, worrying about what was to happen to me when my boss finds out. A sigh escaped my lips as I shoved my hands back in my pockets. It's not like this would be my first time getting fired anyways. I began to walk as I breathed in the New York air. It was a similar scent to me as I continued to walk back to where my work place was. The cold consumed my body as I pointed out the exact smells invading my nose. It was the usual smell of hot dogs, ice cream, overbearing perfume, and body odor. It wasn't the best of smells but soon you would get accustomed to it.

Without realizing it my feet had taken me to the front steps of where I worked. It was a magazine firm. Just like any other paparazzi, I was to take pictures of celebrities and report them back as soon as possible. This was the third time I had failed to do my job and I was screwed.

It felt as if I was walking to my death as I breathed heavily with each step that I took. Even though it was completely hot in the building I still felt as if I was about to die of hypothermia. My eyes were struggling to stay open as I made my way towards my boss' office.

"Oh, Andrea. You're back early," a familiar voice spoke. My eyes slowly regained the strength to stay wide open. I gazed over at who it was talking to me and was shocked to see my boss standing there. I should of guessed I was her based on the annoying nasally tone of her voice. But hey, at least she saved me the trouble of walking the dreadful 2 feet to her office.

"She didn't even give me a chance to rehearse this..." I thought to myself.

"The name's Aimee," I corrected.

Sincerely, A Fake Heart ➳ One Direction FanficWhere stories live. Discover now