¤ Chapter nine ¤

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Rooms and Headmasters 
• 2,096 words •

Do you like how much I am posting? Or should I calm down? ♡

Harry looked down sadly, kicking his shoe a little. "Hermonie could you just leave me alone. I don't think I want to hang out anymore." He muttered.

Said girls face turned red, her lips shaped into a deep frown. "What?! You belive them over me?!" She yelled, stomping up to Harry, her tears long dried.

"Hermione, why would Zabini and Parkinson need my money? Let alone the Weasleys. If you don't remember, Mr. Weasley won the Muggle lottery." Harry looked at her, "You know, when he found that ticket and was ranting about how muggles are so interesting?"

Hermione looked dumbfounded, how could he? She needed a lie and quickly. "Well they-"

"No, Hermione. Stop it, you are digging yourself a hole thats already deep." Harry crossed his arms over his chest, starting to get annoyed.

"You won't last a day without me!" She screamed, grabbing Harry's shirt. "You both are dumber than dirt!"

Harry looked annoyed now. He pushed her off of himself and walked up to her. "For your information, Granger, I spent the whole summer catching up on my schooling. Plus, I am not dumb I just don't go around telling everyone they're wrong!" Harrys voice lowly got louder nearing the end of his sentence.

Hermione stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut on her way out. Once she left, there was a collection of relieved sighs as well as relaxed shoulders. Harry looked down, clearly upset about the whole ordeal. He walked up to Draco and but his head on his chest. Half heartily rolling his eyes, Draco wrapped his arms around the smaller.

"Does this mean you don't hate me?" Draco mused, softly petting Harry's ears.

"Dont push it, blondie." Harry muttered, trying to hold back a pur of contentment.

At Hogwarts, Draco and Harry sat at their respective tables. (Is that the word? You get what I am trying to say.) They were waiting for the firsties to come and be sorted.

Harry was sitting next to big brother Ron, and across from Ginny. The twins sat close, but were chatting up a storm with their other table mates.

"Aberlex, Anne bell."

"Why can't they hurry up, I wanna eat." Ron mumbled glancing sadly at his empty, golden plate.


"There, there, Ron. Food will be served shortly." Harry whispered, patting his friend on the back.

"Lexerus, Opilia!"

After letting out a whine of disappointment, Ron looked up to the sorting. He hadn't been paying enough attention and apparently missed G through P. Harry wouldn't be to please to hear that.


Ever since Harry came into his unexpected inheritance, he started being more... whats the word.. motherly to everyone he cares about. Which, at first, Ron thought was odd and kinda weird. Yet, now, he finds it almost comforting. Ron believes it has something to do with him being a submissive.. Oh, well not that anyone cares much anyways.

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