Chapter 1: Hero society must fall

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(The Opening Theme Song^)

*Character thought*
•Location nor Time•

•Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - year 2345•

As dusk began to settle, multiple black columns of smoke fill the sky, several explosions shattered through the city along with guns firing, and people crying out

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As dusk began to settle, multiple black columns of smoke fill the sky, several explosions shattered through the city along with guns firing, and people crying out. As dozens of new helicopters fill the now night sky, numerous buildings collapse while a single man wearing a black mask sitting at foot of Jesus statue with dozens of dead heroes, cartel members, and police officers whos got torn to shred except for one man, who was an old politician, who had glasses on and was balding, holding his bleeding left arm and on his knees, trembling, in front of mask man. As the mask man lookout at the burning city then finally turn his head and look down at the terrifying politician while the sound of people screams for their life echo throughout the atmosphere.

Mask man: “Javier Fernando, I have a question for you, can you tell me what is wrong with this so-called ‘hero society’?” He made an air quotation mark with his hand at the end of his question.

Javier: “What the hell are you talking about? There is nothing wrong with hero society except for monsters like you!!!” As he started to speak with great confusion at first which quickly turn into anger. “And who the hell are you, why are you doing this, and how do you know my name?”

The masked man tilts his to the right as if he was confused but starts to chuckle instead, just as Javier is about to speak.

Mask man: “Oh, Javier, how do I know you that's simply because you, sir, are a corrupt politician after all.” Pointing at Javier who is surprised at the statement. “Before you ask how do I know or try to say that you are innocent nor you don't know what I talking about. I do have evidence.” He reaches behind him and pulls out a suitcase then opens it's and pulls out a handful of pages and files, fling toward Javier causes the pages to shatter and some to land on the corpses, around Javier, and in the puddle of blood. He does this seven more times then throws away the suitcase.

Mask man: “I have two more suitcases full of evidence of every transgression, you have committed, for example, selling and exporting an entire train full of children, snuggling black market quirk enhancement drugs into the country, blackmailed many governments official, pay off multiple pro-heroes, and having innocent civilians execute, and using hero as if they were soldiers for your dirty work, and so much more. Now for your second question of who I am, which is simply I'm Lucifer, the leader of the Phantom Demons, and as for why I doing all this, that is quite simple for a better world. ” As he finishes his lecture with a small bow and devilish grin underneath his mask cause Javier's had the face of horror and anguish then three high-tech armor vehicles pull up cause both mask man and Javier to look at them. Many high-end gear men came out of the vehicle with fully automatic weapons draw out, aimed at the masked man then formed a defensive formation around Javier.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2021 ⏰

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