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Sometimes, life gives a choice and sometimes, it doesn't. I remember when I was young and would ask my dad why my mother wasn't around anymore- he said that he had no choice but to let go. I remember when I grew up and my father asked my why I didn't visit as often as I used to- this time, I told him that I had no choice. That's when I knew he lied to me- he had a choice just as I did.

In this messed up world, we always have a choice.

We just never make the right one.



don't touch that dial

part 1


There were dust particles everywhere and out of the corner of her eyes, Eli watched Wanda sob over Vision's body. Both the girl's head and throat hurt from the fall of trying to deafen Thanos- it hadn't worked. She watched Steve trying to get up from his place on the ground, making his way over to her- tears of watching Bucky vanish away still raw.

"S-Stevie," she cried, "It hurts."

He finally made his way over to her, cradling her head in his arms as he shook his head at her, "No- No it's going to be okay Eli. I- I can't lose you too. No-no come on, stay with me Maria- I need you."

Eli's chest began to hurt, "I- Something's wrong Steve."

"Please-Please don't go," Steve cried, "I love you Eli."

"I love y-" and then Maria Elizabeth Stark was nothing but dust.




After the beautiful reunion that Eli got with her not-so-absent-anymore husband, the happy couple had gone over to their room (Eli could swear that there was only one bed there when she went there before but then, she could be hallucinating). The pair were both asleep on separate twin beds when a loud thud coming from outside woke poor Eli up.

Scared, she threw her pillow at her sleeping husband.

"Steven, did you hear that?" she asked as her husband sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"Eli?" he groaned, sleepily.

"Yes dear."

"Why did you throw your pillow at me?"

"Bec-" she was cut off by the horrific sound again, "-ause of that."

"Oh, sweetheart," Steve said before lying back on his bad, "It's probably noth- AHHHH"

The man screamed when there was another.

Eli raised her eyebrows amused as she switched on the night-light, "Probably nothing you say?"


Eli found her way to Steve's bed and pushed him off- waking the man fully.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2023 ⏰

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