Loose Ends to New Beginnings

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"Loose Ends"
Day 6
Sgt Gary "Roach"
Task force 141

"Hang in there roach were near the extraction site!" I can gear ghost as he dragged my injured body as I provided cover fire, but even with adrenaline my eyes closed momentarily.

"Cmon get up" Ghost said as I shot my eyes open as my body still stung like fuck but it's nearly over, right? "Right let's go" I replied and limped while Ghost supported me as we neared the evac heli and stepped out Shepherd, standing infront of it.

"Do you have the DSM?" "Yes sir" Ghost replied to Shepherd as I finally thought 'finally were out of here', "Good, that's one less loose end" 'Loose End?-' before I finished my thought, Shepherd shot my straight to the gut, my body stings and fell over to see Ghost getting shot in the head 'why?' I winced in pain, Shepherd grabs the DSM I tried to stop him but can't.

My vision slowly gets blurrier as my limped body was doused with gasoline as they threw Ghost's body besides me, Shepherd looked at us and threw his cigarette igniting the flames, as I slowly succumbed to the release of death my radio flared to life "Don't trust Shepherd, I repeat Don't trust Shepherd!" Captain Price's voice rang, 'a late warning huh? Sorry Price mission failed' as I slowly burnt to death knowing it's the end of my journey.

"Operation Frontline"
Day ???
Sgt Gary "Roach"
Task force 141

"ch.....R..ch.... ROACH!" I shot my eyes open 'Im alive?! H-how' my thoughts are racing as I sat up I saw Ghost and it seems us dieing did happen but "Where are we?" Ghost shrugged and spoke "Hope the others are ok, I woke up an hour ago trying to establish contact but there's no avail" I looked at Ghost with concern for the task force since Shepherd is actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, I was once again shook out of my thoughts by Ghost "Weird thing is remember how we barely have ammo left? Yeah it's seems we have a full stock" I looked in disbelief but oh no it doesn't stop there "actually not full stock more like infinite, I fired off well over 500 shots earlier but my M4 still has ammo" I got up and tested it myself, low and behold it actually is infinite, not only our ammo even our claymore and grenades, but weirder is Ghost has his M200 which he never brought with him on our last operation and my M4 now boasts a Heartbeat sensor.

We decided to get going and began to walk out into a small clearing it seemed like a small village problem is it's empty, this raised alarms in both of us making us pull out our M9A1s and traversed the area carefully.

"Where even are we?" I whisper earning a shrug from Ghost "Beats me, but I'm happy were alive again" I couldn't help but agree with Ghost, there were no signs of inhabitants anywhere "both of you hands up!" Or so I thought.

We raised our hands to in surrender "okay now both of you state your names and what are you doing here?!" Judging on the voice it's a female, I glanced at Ghost and it seems we both have the same thought of just telling we got nothing left to loose.

"Well? Don't keep me waiting!" I felt a gun in placed on my back and Ghost decided to go first "Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley, British SAS and task force 141, lost from last mission, mission date August 15th 2016" I went next "Sargeant Gary 'Roach' British SAS and Task force 141, lost on mission, mission date August 15th 2016".

We just hoped for the best and don't get shot at point blank range again, "Wait wait could you repeat the date?" The girl behind us spoke "2016, 15th of August year 2016" Ghost replied, "no way" were both confused why she Said that and we got are answer, "That was about 46 years ago, it's 2062!" We can't believe this, that's just straight up from a movie but apparently we really are here.

"Look I don't know how you ended up here but you two seem no threat" She said calmly "you two can put your hands down" we put our hands down and I picked of my gun off the ground as Ghost packs his and we turned to see the girl.

The girl has brown hair with one green streak, a jacket tied to her waist, a mask similar to Ghost's and holding an M4A1.

"Anyways let me introduce myself Im-" before she could finish gunshots,
I grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the side while me and Ghost took cover and began to prepare return fire.

I peeked with my M4 ready to see another girl? She's carrying a sword like thing and a pistol of I don't know what model but one thing is sure she ain't no friendly and I opened fire, I went for accurate shots for the elbows and head while the girl we met also fired at her.

After minutes we got her to drop dead, I sighed of relief and Ghost helped the girl we met, "that was something I guess" Ghost said and it made me grin a bit "guess your buddy", we are inspecting the corpse(?) Until we head a distinct sound.

A chopper, we turned to see it landed behind the girl which somehow was manned by more girls but there's this one with similar hair but she has an orange streak and one of her eyes covered aimed at us, "Who are you two what have you done to my sister!" Instinctively me and Ghost aimed our weapons aswell, "sis! Stop! They are not a threat they actually saved me" hearing that it seems the other one lowered her gun "sorry for the misunderstanding" Ghost approached as I followed "It's nothing Miss?-" my partner asked "M16" we looked at them stupid "um care to repeat?" "M16, that's my name" there was silence.

"Y-your named after a gun?" I still dumbfounded asked "yes?" This girl now identified as M16 answered "um sis I forgot to say they are from an alternate past" again silence.

After a few minutes of screaming and getting the situation cleared out they finally have a proper introduction.

"Im Sargeant Gary "Roach" in cooperation of the British SAS and Task force 141" "Simon Riley, you can call me Ghost, Task force 141 and British SAS"

"Nice to meet both of ya, you already heard my name it's M16"

"T-thank you for saving me earlier Im M4A1, nice to meet the of of you"

"Hiya! Im M4 Sopmod but a lot just call me Sop!"

"ST AR-15 or Star greetings"

"RO635, Ro for short"

Author's Remarks:

Hello this is my first time doing this, I will inform you that I might have slow updates but I will get around to update them as Often as I can and thank you for your time reading this

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