II. Snickerdoodles Recipe

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Corbyn's POV



I woke with a start at the sound of my alarm blaring. I rubbed my eyes groggily as I sat up on my bed. I swear I always feel like a frog in the morning. Imagine what I look like. I shiver at my own thought. Great, now I'm too afraid to look in the mirror.

I look over at my alarm clock.

8:01 AM.

With as much willpower as I can muster (which is practically zero), I will myself to stand up and start my morning routine.

By the time I've finished getting ready, I head downstairs dressed in my signature style which is a hoodie and a pair of jeans.

Fashionable, I know. Note the sarcasm.

I stroll into the kitchen and find my aunt making breakfast. She's my uncle's wife and she's honestly the kindest woman I've ever met.

"Good morning, Aunt Sophie." I greet her as I help her by preparing the table.

"Good morning, sweetie!" She paused to look up at me, "Did you sleep well?" She asked smiling.

She was honestly the sweetest person ever.

"I've been here for almost a week and I'm still jetlagged." I answer honestly.

She just smiled at me with a sad look in her pretty blue eyes. She was a beautiful, petite woman with blonde, shoulder-length hair.

I could tell she was about to say something, but she was interrupted by another voice indicating a person just entered the kitchen as well.

"Mom, have you seen my-", Aurora stops in the middle of her sentence when her eyes land on me. My cousin squealed and rushed to my side, hugging me as if she hadn't seen me in the longest time which made me giggle as I hugged her back. Always the dramatic one.

Aurora was my aunt and uncle's only child and we were very close. She had her mom's blue eyes and I had my mom's brown ones but we both inherited our fathers' brown hair as they were brothers. She was gorgeous and she knew it. We were polar opposites but i think that's why we're so close. She loved fashion, while I couldn't care less what I look like. She was popular and very outgoing while I mostly kept to myself. Her long hair was still it's natural color while my dyed platinum blonde hair falls just below my shoulder. Yup, we were as different as it gets but that's why she was one of my best friends.

"Cory! Ughh finally, I've been trying to get you out of your room for days!" She exclaimed, finally freeing me from her deathly tight hug.

"I'm really sorry Rory, I just needed some alone time." I reply as I smile at our childhood nicknames we had made for each other.

I felt kind of guilty for not hanging out with her these past few days. She probably noticed because she brushed it off with a wave of her hand as she sat next to me.

"Don't worry sister, I understand." She sent me a sad smile. I've been getting those a lot these days. "Anyways so do you wanna go out today? Let's do something fun!" She claps her hands excitedly and I chuckle. This is what I loved about Aurora, she was almost never sad. She was just this big ball of sunshine. She brought light everywhere she went. I appreciated her wanting to hang out but right now I'm just not ready to face this beautiful light of hers. I have to battle my demons in the dark before I'm able to finally walk over to the bright side.

"I'd love to Ro, but I think I'm just gonna sit this one out." I apologize as I hold both her hands in mine, "But I promise I'll make it up to you."

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