I. My very own Cinderella

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Archer's POV

"I still can't believe you forced me to come with you," I said as I propped my chin on my hand, then I paused, "You know what? Scratch that, you force me to do a lot of shit I don't want to do." Jacob just rolled his eyes at my accusation.

"Oh come on, stop pretending like you don't enjoy seeing all these beautiful girls -".

"Woah, woah, woah!", I cut him off, wagging my finger in exaggeration. "First of all, this is a cafe, not a strip club, so hold your horses, mister. Second of all, aren't we only here because you're supposed to meet your new girlfriend or something?" I smirk at him, "You know Coby, I really thought you actually changed and became a better man after you and Natasha split up and you went all manwhore, yet here you are talking about beautiful girls in a place only for coffee, not for trying to get laid." I shook my head slowly, feigning disappointment.

Jacob was my older brother, who looked almost exactly like me (he says it's the other way around since he's older) but his hair was lighter than my dirty blonde hair.

"Her name is Natalie, you moron. And if by "better man" you mean loyal, then yes, I am. And I wasn't a manwhore, idiot, I was just heartbroken and I needed to distract myself for a little while, but I outgrew that boyish phase so stop saying that." He reached over the small table and smacked me upside the head.

I glared at him while I rubbed the spot he smacked.

"Besides," he started, "Rebekah and I have been dating for a few months now so she's not my "new" girlfriend. You just haven't met her yet, but today she's coming to visit from New York so you better be on your best behavior." He warns, now serious.

I scoffed, "Since when am I not on my best behavior? You know we were basically trained to be like that since we were kids."

He chuckled. "That, Arrow, is very true." I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname he's been calling me since we were little.

Suddenly a woman walked up to our table and tapped Coby on the shoulder. From the look on his face when he turned around and looked up at her, I could already tell who she was. Rebekah was beautiful with her long brown hair and dark brown eyes and kind smile. Coby stood up and hugged her tight and kissed her cheek. He hadn't even introduced us yet but I could already see how much he loved her because his green eyes, which contrasted my hazel ones, had softened the second he saw her.

I honestly don't know why I hadn't met her sooner.

I stood up and held my hand out to shake hers, "Hi, I'm-"

"Archer!" She smiled widely and took my hand but instead of shaking it, she gently pulled me over to her and hugged me as if it was normal. This made me smile. "I'm-"

"Rebekah" I grinned, which made her laugh and she nodded her head.

"Definitely as smart as your brother said you were."

Yup I really should've met her sooner.

I grinned smugly while Coby groaned, "Please do not feed his ego, his head is already way too big." he said, which made me roll my eyes, not even remotely offended.

"Oh Jake, you don't have to be so mean." Rebekah hit his arm playfully as we all sat down.

Correction - I sat down first. Jacob pulled Rebekah's chair out, like the gentleman he is and waited for her to be seated before sitting beside her. I inwardly scoff. Simp.

He catches me smirking at him and rolls his eyes. He will never admit to being a simp, not even to save his life, but that doesn't mean he isn't one.

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