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  Lu Xi was taken aback, looking at Zhou Luyan in front of him, suddenly he didn't know what to say.

    In recent days, Lu Xi has herded her cattle freely. After not having to undertake a lot of complicated labor, she can squeeze more time to deal with things about the waterwheel. The captain asked her two carpenters to help her, so that Lu Xi could finish the runner and shaft as soon as possible.

    In the past few days, in addition to herding cattle, Lu Xi ran to the carpenter's house whenever he had time. Except for going back to the educated youth dining hall for dinner, the rest of the time was so busy that I didn't even see a shadow.

    Under such circumstances, Zhou Luyan could still block her, saying that it was not a long-term plan that Lu Xi didn't believe it.

    When the former "Lu Xi" chased him behind his ass, he couldn't avoid Lu Xi; now, if Lu Xi doesn't give him a look, he takes the initiative to come up and can't hide.

    However, Lu Xi didn't feel any joy at all. He only felt that he was noisy, annoying, and delayed her career.

    "Are you busy?" Lu Xi asked coldly.

    Zhou Luyan lowered his voice, and said to Lu Xi in an accountable tone: "What the hell are you messing around? Don't always think about showing up, are you really qualified for this job?"

    This is a decision Zhou Luyan thought about making.

    Even if he didn't like Lu Xi no matter how much, the two had grown up together since childhood. Zhou Luyan knew her well enough that she didn't have that ability. Lu Xi made a big promise to repair the water tanker, and it is very likely that there will be a situation that she cannot control.

    Whether for herself or for her, Zhou Luyan felt that it was necessary to stop her before the irreversible situation appeared.

    Unfortunately, Lu Xi didn't appreciate it.

    She sneered and looked at Zhou Luyan amusedly: "Why can't I be qualified for this job? Are you full? Go and work when you are full. Don't worry about trouble."

    " You— " Lu Xi said he was full and supported. , Zhou Luyan was sulky, "Don't know good people, if you fail, it wouldn't have caused me to lose face with you!"

    Lu Xi turned his face and looked at him sideways. If it were the original owner, he would definitely be sad.

    Even if Zhou Luyan came out to advise her, it was just because he didn't want to lose face with her.

    Seeing the educated youth who were still eating in the dining hall cast their inquisitive eyes from time to time, Lu Xi didn't want to have an inexplicable relationship with Zhou Luyan, so he immediately calmed down and said: "First, I will not fail.

    " Second, even if I fail, I am ashamed. Why do you count me as a shame? Did I agree?" When

    she looked at people coldly, a cold expression appeared in her inattentive eyes. , Such as a sharp cone of ice.

    Zhou Luyan was stabbed by her words for a long time to speak, unable to speak more anger, or disappointment.

    "Get out of—" Lu Xi said horizontally.

    The man standing in front of her did not move. Obviously there were a lot of words to say, but the words fell on his lips again. Zhou Luyan looked at her, but stopped talking.

    After Xu Jiaojiao cleaned the box lunch, she looked for her partner everywhere, and at a glance she saw the person standing at the door arguing with Zhou Luyan.

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