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    He Tairan was scalded by soy milk from time to time, and his wet suit was sticking to his skin, hot and uncomfortable.

    He patted his clothes vigorously and became aphasic with anger.

    "You—you are crazy! You took gunpowder?" He Tairan looked unreasonable.

    He Tiantian touched Shenyin with a wink, and didn't say a word. It is even more strange that the nanny didn't tell her last night that her parents were arguing, which made her almost swept the tail wind.

    "Mom and Dad, I went to school." Seeing that the situation was not good, He Tiantian immediately picked up his schoolbag and ran away.

    No one paid any attention to her either.

    Lu Xi adjusted the broken hair on the temples, and Shi Shiran said, "I'm crazy, and I let you blame it for so many years, and only took the burden on yourself for so many years. Who was it, let me take the child to your warehouse to see Who is it that made me unable to take the child with ease, and still help you work? I started because it was my fault, but the more I think about it, the more I feel it’s wrong. I’m wrong, He Tairan, you don’t have it. Wrong? You are obviously more wrong than me. Why is it that I am the only one to reflect?"

    "You are enough! You have to repeat this matter a few times! I am not giving you money too, let you find it Did the detective find someone! I'm not right about everything!"

    Lu Xi said, "As long as my daughter doesn't find it back in a day, this matter will be endless!"

    He Tairan looked at her like a lunatic-no, she was originally He is a complete lunatic, but his condition has been stable over the years, which is why he is so deceptive. But in fact, he is still so rude and unreasonable, and he needs to see a doctor!

    "I don't bother to care about you!" He Tairan also left angrily.

    It's just that there is a wave of irritation from the back, which is more like running away.

    Lu Xi was the only one left in the huge home.

    There were waves on the days that seemed calm and unwavering.

    In the evening, He Tairan sent a driver to pick up He Tiantian from school.

    Because he is picking, there is a driver at home, who still serves him personally every day, so when the driver picks up He Tiantian, he can only pick him up after the company waits for the driver to finish.

    As the chairman of the board, for so many years, only he has released other people's pigeons and no one has released his pigeons.

    Several times, He Tairan wanted to pick up his mobile phone to remind the driver, but he also knew that it was very troublesome to pick up a child from school, and he could not do it by reminding him.

    And this was the first day he picked up the child. If Lu Xi knew that he was so irritable, maybe he would have to accept her cynicism when he went home. He Tairan was annoying her now, so she didn't give her a chance to watch the excitement. At the moment, he had to press down on the irritability in his heart and waited patiently.

    I waited for two hours. The driver came to the company at 7 o'clock in the evening to pick him up.

    He Tairan's face was already very ugly.

    He asked in a deep voice, "Why is it so late?" The

    driver felt so bitter, and he explained in a low voice, "Yes... it's Miss's classmate. She invited many classmates to come as guests and bought something on the way. It took a while, so it's so late. "

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