Silver exe X Blaze exe

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I came back from my haunt to the villa. As I went in blaze came up to me. This haunt was this time to hard for me but I did it still.

" Silver YOU HURT " blaze looked blank to me.

" It's okay blaze it's not that bad. " I said.

Blaze came up to me helping me to sit on the couch.

" Don't say that I bring the first aid kit. " Blaze told me. Before I could refuse she ran away and came back with the first aid kit. She bandage me.

" This would be help " blaze said.

" Thanks blaze but just like I said it's okay.i don't need it. " I said

" SilVer enough you do had need it you are badly injured. " Blaze told me then she kissed me. I kissed her back.

" Wha ? Blaze why did you kiss me ? " I asked.

" I love you silver that's why. " blaze told me.


Years passed me and blaze were together since 7 years by now and we're got marriage 1 year ago. We have a child girl. Her name is Melanie the hedgecat exe. I'm very happy with my family that I got and I will learn my baby girl to fight and kill people. My wife will help me to learn her to fight and lol people too of course.

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