Movie Night

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Credits to Koda6735 for the idea

//Narrator POV//

It was late at night and Ben and jelly agreed to watch a horror movie. During the movie, Usually crainer isn't scared of watching scary movies but this one movie got the best of him. Crainer got scared and was holding on to jelly. Jelly turned red when crainer kept holding on to him, Jelly did the same that way crainer won't get scared.

//jelly POV//

Crainer got scared and was holding on to me, I turned red and hopefully he notice, I mean the movie was pretty scary so I hold on to him as well. It made it look like we were cuddling. Which I didn't mind. I was getting a bit sleepy as well.

//crainer POV//

The movie was really scary, I was holding on to jelly and he was holding on to me, I blushed a little bit but jelly didn't notice it. The movie finished and jelly was sleeping, I carried him upstairs into my room and lay him on the bed. I put a blanket on top on him that way he didn't get cold. I was about to leave the room until jelly grabbed me by the hand "could you stay here please" jelly said half asleep, I smiled and slept on the over side of the bed.

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