What's fate chapter -2

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Sometimes things happen that we don't want to happen, but it's fate.

I know mom, I don't think I am ready for it, it's a very big step, it can change my entire life, "Katherine in order u to become a leader of the coven, u need to do it "mom said
Let's go home we will talk about this tomorrow, u need to get some rest, u have been through a lot today. My great grandmother Alice came near "kitty cat today what u did, I did that when I was ur mother's age, I am proud of u, I once was a leader but after my husband died I couldn't be. It is hard to see ur daughter die and granddaughter's husband die. I have lost many people in my life, as u did. But remember sulk makes u even tough " slowly coughing back inside the coven. My great grandmother is the strongest person I have ever, she is always so wise and kindhearted and never bend any rules, I want to be like her, can I?

'Katherine! Katherine! Aunt Olivia is calling you, come fast'. Crystal shouted
I am coming...

While I was walking back to the car, the sunlight is back, sometimes I think there is darkness in the light because when u are in light u can still see darkness by your side. I tried to walk fast but I feel every ounce of my body is being pulled back. With every bit of my energy, my every step was like losing consciousness, I finally reached the car. My mom was in the driver's seat and Crystal was in the back, I sat down slowly and wearing my seat belt. My mom started driving at full speed, I tried to lean back and take some rest but when cl0se my eyes, I saw it again, complete darkness, I was around with fire I would hear the sirens of the fire truck, I started to lose myself, I couldn't breathe, couldn't shout anymore.

My hand was paining, I suddenly opened my eyes holding my left hand, I saw an ancient layout on it, it was the layout of the flower at its almost pride stage, it was the symbol of our coven that once Andrea Montaz drew on the Coven's cave wall, with blood, love and passion towards her goal, the to balance the nature, and the promise that I just to Pledge to never break to protect the people trust in me.  My mom was me staring at my hand, my mom yelled the 'lots
'lotos' in  Bulgarian you have got it, only the perfect heir gets it, the true blood or the original blood gets this, Nobody in almost a century got this, I am going to be the perfect leader of the coven.
A tattoo of patience and calm

"Aunt Olivia see front you are going to hit the car ", Crystal yelled   She quickly took a sudden break, I couldn't breathe, the seat belt hit my chest so hard,   a sudden stop of the tires causes them to slide on the pavement on one area of the t...

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"Aunt Olivia see front you are going to hit the car ", Crystal yelled

She quickly took a sudden break, I couldn't breathe, the seat belt hit my chest so hard, a sudden stop of the tires causes them to slide on the pavement on one area of the tire, which means the tires are blown. Holy shit Crystal shouts, "what kinda language is that, do u think u could that in front of the adults" my mom glanced at Crystal. My mom got out saying "u stay inside, don't come out ". Crystal also got out with my mom, making me feel hard on myself. tattoo To my hand it is going to ruin my whole future, when will I ever get a job, like a normal person. When I got one it was taken away from me, now I can ever get a decent job,

Ring, ring..... Ring, ring ..... ring,

I took my phone from my bag, it was Aurora, by the time I answered it, it stopped, oh no, I tried to call her again, it was not reachable at this moment. thousand of questions rose inside of me, was she ok ? she never calls? she always texts why did she me now? I tried texting her, she see had. I tried again and again I wanted to scream. Since I was not good at keeping my feelings but u are forced to, there is no other choice. My mom came inside asking Are u okay darling? Do you seem to be terrified? .... I am ok mom, it's just Aurora called me and now she is not answering me, Aurora! Aurora you are still hanging out with her?
Yes, she is my best friend since high school. My mom hates Aurora, she tries to tell me, but she never really tells me. Aurora is my best friend and one of the people I trust, whenever Wants me to do something, she sees me in the eyes, asks me Compelling, her dark blue pupils go back as if she saw someone she loves, her blonde hair with stripes of blue, I love her hair. She has two brothers and a twin, practically I never saw them, whenever I ask about them she always says they are always travelling, her voice is sassy and English accent is to die for.

Crystal got into the car 'let's go', she says

Aurora calls me fast, I am scared for you. What happened kat, why do u look so scared? Crystal asks nothing my mom replies. Katherine BTW Eva called, it seems she is going to Japan next weekend and asked us to come to, Crystal asked. Crystal is my aunt's daughter, my aunt has a job in Berlin, Crystal meets her mother twice a year. Nobody knows who's Crystal's father is except for aunt. Crystal lives with me and my mom since she was 12 years old, Nobody thinks we are sisters because she has auburn coloured silky straight hair and I have brownish-black hair like my mother. Crystal is 20 years old, she studies at the University of New Orleans. She is very talented, her dark green eyes capture images and then releases them in form of paintings, she is a photographer, dancer and singer. Everyone loves her except for. 'Oh my god mom looked at her with a grin, Crystal are you Stupid, you know Katherine is going get married this weekend you know right and you are her maid of honour, "I know" Crystal replied

We reached home, I took my seatbelt off and opened my door to get off, suddenly the tattoo my hand started to shine, I pain unbearable, it was like ur heart is taken out of your body, I fell, I have no energy to bear the pain, 'aunt Olivia, Katherine's arm, come here fast' Crystal shouted. She came running trying to pick me up and took me inside the house. Then she started to make some phone calls, and Crystal besides saying don't worry, don't worry everything is okay.
The same words, I heard them a thousand times in my bed in the hospital. Suddenly the pain stops and the light dims out, the tattoo is burnt, now I look like somebody with a hot burning knife, have pierced This into my skin. Crystal shouts, the tattoo became permanent. My mom gets off the phone and comes to me, darling it's ok, I talked to grandma Alice, she said it's fine. I will bring you something to eat my mom said. They slowly walked me into my bedroom.

Opening the door, there was a wedding dress on the corner of the room, my dream dress, that I have always told my mom about.

Knock on the door, do you want to talk to the boy, my stomach my warm and tears came up to my eyes,' I said no I don't want to', is that going to change anything about tomorrow's wedding. Crystal left the door and went downstairs. I went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. Taking off my clothing, seeing the tattoo on my hand made me shiver, it was cold as it was winter. When I stepped into the tub, the hotness near my neck, made me relax, the stress and tensions went from my head. I closed and slowly went into the water.

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