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chapter eleven !


THE next two weeks were full of excitement amongst the third-years as the first Hogsmeade trip of the year approached, and I was just as excited to spend the day with my friends and explore more of the magical world. Dad obviously had told me all about it, and it'd made me want to go even more. So, talking animatedly with Neville, Seamus and Dean while we practically ran around the village, my lips stretched themselves in a huge, permanent smile as we entered the most glorious shop I'd ever come across. Honeydukes. The four of us stared around the crowded store with glee and mischievous smiles covering our faces before we simultaneously dived into the crowd, grabbing as many sweets as we could. I'd posed an agreement with my friends that I would spend the morning with Seamus, Dean and Neville as we ventured around Honeydukes and Zonko's Joke Shop before we'd have Butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks with Ron and Hermione, who had now made up from their argument, then I'd go around the rest of the village with Ron and Hermione. All four of us very quickly had our arms full of Chocolate Frogs, Pepper Imps, Sugar Quills, Jelly Slugs and so many other sweets, and it'd got to the point where we were dropping stuff everywhere.

"Get a basket!" I said to Neville, laughing, and he rushed off quickly as Seamus, Dean and I continued to giggle and pull a box of Fudge Flies off of the shelf each.

Dad had given me some money this morning with strict instructions to not spend it all on sweets from Honeydukes, so, albeit sadly, I placed everything back until I just had a few Chocolate Frogs, some Sugar Quills and the box of Fudge Flies. That was really all I wanted anyway. The boys, however, had grabbed one more of each sweet and poured it into the baskets Neville had brought over to us before we all started towards the till, me picking up an Acid Pop as we walked. I wanted to try it.

Passing the kind older man the correct amount of Sickles and Knuts, I smiled and squeezed out of the very crowded shop to wait for the boys as I ripped my Acid Pop open, giving it a tentative lick as I looked around the village. Merlin, this place was beautiful. I'd love to live here someday. I felt like I'd never get tired of walking around here. A shock of sourness spreading around my tongue as the lollipop made contact with it, my face cringed, and I coughed, licking it again. Yes, it was remarkably sour, but that sure wasn't going to stop me. It reminded me of my favourite sweet from the local sweet shop back home. They were incredible. As I became brave enough to put the whole thing in my mouth, I continued to look around, taking a few small steps and craning my neck, and I froze when I saw a shop with what looked like a violin in the window. Was there a music shop here? Dad never told me!

THE CHOSEN ONE'S CHOSEN GIRL - BOOK 1 ~ HARRY POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now