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Yan Da was living up the time that Shi would let her have, she knew it wouldn't be long before he reverted to his old ways and become a tight ass again, but right now he followed her like a puppy (guard dog to everyone else) and was happy to try food sit and relax as well as watch her fireworks, he didn't even argue or get embarrassed when she summoned him while she was in the bath, he almost looked pleased.

heavy eye contact which made her a little embarrassed but she wouldn't back down to his new tactic.

Li Tian Jin was setting her on fire, not in a literal sense however the way his eyes lingered on her and the way his fingers brushed against her every now and again, the way he casually leaned over her.

it was frankly driving her insane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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