I despise you

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May 2nd, 1974

She should have noticed something was off with Felix, she should have just gone dad. The drive with him was tense, the atmosphere was far from comfortable. His words were stirring, they were an hour late then the agreed time. She was worried about the lecture her father would give her.

She always hated disappointing her father, it would always leave a sour taste in her mouth. He started to pick up the speed, she told him to slow down. She begged, she begged, she begged, she-

She resented him, the man he used to call uncle killed her due to his own foolish nature. She had watched as Felix buried her, too much of a coward to tell her father. She heard all those unanswered phone calls that came from her father, he asked Felix where she went and what he had done to her.

He begged Felix to answer the phone, he never did. He was weak, he sobbed in his chair as he drank more and more. She felt no pity as she watched him drown in his sorrow.

She wanted to tell her father it was okay, she watched as he made another phone call, she didn't know who this time though. He looked tired, his eyes puffy from all the crying he must have done earlier. She wanted to hug him, comfort him. To tell him not to think of the worst, even if she was lying.

Her mother and siblings looked distressed, she felt tears fall from her face. All she could see was red, she weeped knowing no one was there to comfort her. She held herself tightly as she wailed, she tried to scream nothing came out.

All these memories that came flooded her mind, these memories were messing with her temper. She hummed a song, a song her mother would sing to her when she was younger. She wants to set herself free, she doesn't want to be here anymore. Her emotions felt like they were too much for her, she left her family going back to Felix.

He seemed to be asleep, he slept so peacefully after what he had done. She felt bitter, she saw red again. She clenched her fist, punching him. Only for her hand to go through his head, though now he looked distressed.

If she could give this murder terrors she will. She might as well start somewhere if she's stuck like this now. What he did was unforgiving, she could never forget what he did to her. What he made her become. She smiled as she saw him look scared in his sleep. She wanted him to know, it was all his fault she was like this.

She tormented him every day, she felt so much pleasure when she found out he could see her in the mirror. She'd stand there with her head on her shoulder, a wicked smile appeared on her face. He turns around only for her to disappear. The horror on his face always made her pleased.

June 11th, 1974

Her father and Felix were arguing, father had accused him of killing her. Their friendship had been falling apart since her "disappearance". The nightmares still affect Felix, though he was always a good liar, the snake always found a way to get his way on things.

Her father looked so tired, she cried as she watched the two argue. Things started to get more heated as they argued more and more. Soon enough Felix had enough, he strangled her father with a cell phone cord.

She watches as Felix murders her father, she screams for him to stop. She watches as the bottle Felix found was slammed onto her dad's head. She watches as he shoves his body into Bon's chest plate. She watches as Felix leaves, the robot starts to act up.

His eyes turned a different color. Her father looked terrified in the suit. She hugged the suit, expecting to go through it. This time she didn't, Bon looked down at her, a terrified and sad look on his face.

She holds his face, "It's okay I'm still here"

The two held onto each other, the best they could anyways. No more words needed to be said, they had each other for comfort. The two talked, she missed talking to someone but now she wasn't alone anymore.

She found a plush of Bon, she decided the form could work for now after all she needed to go back to Felix, the murder wasn't going to go without having more terrors though this time it will be 10x worse. She and dad hugged, she sat on his shoulder.

The night wasn't easy for Felix, the nightmare that came this time was worse than ever before. She taunted him for what he did, the same thing said in all his dreams. It was all his fault, she laughed and laughed. She made sure he screamed that for what he did.

She felt some regret in the morning but not enough to make her stop, why should she. He did this to himself after all. By the time morning came he seemed so restless. Bags under his eyes, she smiled at her work. She'd meet him at the restaurant, she started to head there since she wanted to talk to her father some more.

July 19th, 1978

The restaurant had been closed for years now, she hadn't noticed how much time went by. Everyday was the same, she gave him nightmares and followed him around. Felix had been working on this new project called "Relocate", which took the guy 4 years to complete with the paperwork and stuff. She wondered how ma, Molly and Ed were. It'd been awhile since she last saw them.

They were moving the old animatronics to a different location, K-9. She had mostly stuck with Felix or whenever he was at work she would roam the old location, trying to find the new location. So much paperwork she had to go through. She looked through Felix's files till found one.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no. It was in Saint-Juana's Forest, near the crash. She tried so hard yet he never learns does he, she's so close to just snapping. She is so close to just losing her sanity or what she has left anyways.

She felt her heart break more and more, running out of patiences. She clenched her fist, more anger she felt, more of it fueled her hatred for him. She felt like she was bleeding from how tight she'd been clenching her hand into a fist.

If she were still alive she would be feeling adrenaline rushing in her body, it felt similar to that. She was going to go find the facility. She could speak to dad again, she never knew where ma had gone. She went missing one night, she hoped ma was alright. She looked awful after dad's "disappearance".

The facility was dark, so she roamed around for a while. The hallway was long, she felt like she was walking for ages, the Bon plush she found did her no justice. The last door was too big for her to open, no boxes were near, getting out of the bon plush and phasing through the door.

The sight in front of her shocked her greatly. The old animatronics, all looking in terrible shape. Bon and Sha looking the worst. Well Bon looking slightly more fixed but Sha had dry blood on her. Old blood, she wondered if dad was still in Bon.


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