The gut

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        Flaky is writing a love story about Giggles, sitting on a bench in the street. He nearly has finished. He is very proud of him, he is excited to give his text to his gal. Yet, he wants to be sure that he wrote well, he asks to The Mole who is next to him if he wants to read it. Therefore, under anger because he thinks that Flaky is making fun of him, The Mole pushes his cane through Flaky's stomach and it gets through his gut. Then,he catches Flaky's gut and walks accross the road. Trucks and cars roll on the gut which explodes on everybody. Flippy the sherif arrives and brings The Mole to have dirtied the street, and Flaky... or rather the rest of Flaky because The Mole has dirtied the street with Flaky's gut, to prison. (The Mole is a fucking bastard !) He puts them in Lumpy's cell. Lumpy looks very nice. He is in prison because he has killed a lot of people with his horns... fucking horns !... but he did not want to, and when he killed people, the corpses stayed hocked to his horns that's why policemen thought he was provoking them.

        Lumpy, The Mole and Flaky are becoming good friends. They often laugh together. One night, they are drinking some cans of beer and watching crappy soaps. They fall asleep one by one, they have drunk too much. Lumpy's head falls down and one of his horns gets through The Mole's head. Flaky wakes up. He is freaking out. He tries to escape from the cell passing though the bars, but, with the speed, his head breaks against the bars, then his brain explodes in the cell. Flippy arrives because of the noise. When he sees the two prisoner on the floor, he oppens the cell door to check if they are still alive.

As the door is opened, Lumpy runs to it to get free. However, the horns can not pass through the door. Consequently, they break and he falls. His head hits his own horns !

Flippy tries to escape because he is completely scared. Yet, he hits Lumpy's feet and he falls on the broken horns too.

Finally, they all died. Before dying, Lumpy has killed 300 persons with his horns.

All this story began because Flaky was in love... Don't fall in love, it can be painful !

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