Chapter eleven .

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Chris throws open my door causing me to drop my pen

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Chris throws open my door causing me to drop my pen. I scoff looking up at him crossing my arms.

"Do you know where the twins are?" Chris asks looking around the room.   I nod my head going back to work. Chris sighs in relief sitting himself down on my desk.

"Get your nasty ass of my desk and get the twins from their room family meeting about to start" I ask looking down at the papers spread across my desk.

"The twins aren't there?" Chris mutters under his breathe. I look up at him "what do you mean they aren't there?".

"Chile I didn't say anything dad you're loosing your hearing" Chris argues .   I narrow my eyes at Chris. He jumps off my desk ready to run. 

"Don't even think about it Chris where are they?" I ask folding my hands together. Chris slowly turns around.

"Hey I asked you first and you didn't give the right answer so I snitched on accident so in my defense I'm not a snitch" Chris defends himself.

"Get your sibling while I call up the twins alright?" I ask running my hands over my face. Fucking hell these damn kids are always fucking leaving.

"As you all know it's almost gala time" I   announce walking into the living room

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"As you all know it's almost gala time" I   announce walking into the living room. Everyone looks at me nodding their heads.  

"I don't think it would be safe for Sofia to go" Heidi says putting her hand on Sofia belly. 

"She's pregnant she isn't going but you are Heidi" I reply pulling a chair up in front of them. I sit down "you have to go since you're next in-line for my mafia".

"Being the first woman to run a mafia is some serious shit Heidi you have to go" Luke points out. 

"Mobster will be there looking at you trying to find a weakness don't show them any got it?" I Inform.  Heidi nods her head sighing "why is it that they look at me in disgust but talk about Lucifer bride with so much pride".

"That's because she's the queen of the underworld" Brian remarks.  I nod my head looking at Heidi. 

"She's never been seen but her beauty is known" I replied.  Heidi leans forward shaking her head.  "So it's cause she's beautiful she gets special treatment?" She snaps .

"No she gets special treatment since she's talented in what she does" Luke replies. I grab a glass cup pouring some whiskey inside.

"Talented at what having sex than simply slicing their neck?" Heidi asks rolling her eyes.

"No she's talented at making herself look different each time no one knows what she truly looks like all we know is that she never changes her eye color" I explain leaning back into my chair.

"That and she always has the muted man with her some say they're a couple others say they are siblings" Luke says running his fingers through his hair.

"What the scary part is no one knows when or where they will attack it's always been out of the blue" Brian remarked . Heidi looks up at me "so I literally have to be compared to a what billionaire goddess?" .

"There is nothing to compare" Alexandra voice booms. I turn around facing both of the twins. Alexander had his sleeve rolled up showing tattoos on display with a lit cigarette in his mouth. A gun very noticeable strapped around his torso. He was wearing white t-shirt and some black jeans.

"What are you talking about?"Heidi voice snaps back. I wave her off shushing my oldest daughter.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" I asked standing up facing them. Alexander simply shrugs blowing smoke into my face. This little fucker.

"Places" was his only answer before walking off. Alexandra looks at me rolling her eyes.

"Alexander get your ass back in here!" I yell loudly. Alexandra looks at me laughing shaking her head. These fucking Twins need some god damn manners.

"He's tired and isn't coming back alex doesn't listen to anyone" she simply says before sitting down on the couch. 

"What do you mean their nothing to compare?" Heidi sneers looking at a very unbothered Alexandra. 

"You have daddy mafia and his money you truly don't have to work for shit on the other hand Lucifer bride did." Alexandra did have a point my kids don't no what it's like starting from scratch. Truth be told neither do I my family always been powerful so has their mothers.

A/n sorry this chapter sucks ass. I just wanted to post something.  Giving my characters different personalities is hard since I truly don't have one. I mean I do but my humor is dark from my own trauma.  My writing will get better from now on since I know exactly which personalities everyone has I took a week off to do so.  Also I was in Utah for a week and had a 20 hour trip to think.

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