Chapter seventeen.

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"You look absolutely gorgeous jefa" Rafael says as he spins me around

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"You look absolutely gorgeous jefa" Rafael says as he spins me around. I let out a soft laugh as I dust off my dress. Alex comes in the room spinning around showing off his outfit. My smile grows wide as I take in his grey suit. He listened to my request.

"Tú escuchaste" I smile widely as I walked over to my twins. He nods his head rolling his eyes before showing his beautiful smile.

"por ti mi hermana haría cualquier cosa incluso usar un traje gris" he mumbles pulling me into a hug.  (For you my sister I would do anything even wear a grey suit).

"We have less than a hour before we make our grand entrance hermano you ready?" I asks fixing his shirt. Alex nods his head letting out a sigh. (Brother) .

"hermana I'm ready but are you for the last two days you've been stressing out about this" alex exposes looking down at me. I hate that he's taller than me. 

"I'm fine all I need to make sure no fucking animals goes into our personal rooms so Rafael please make sure everything is locked" I turn around to face rafael as I spoke. 

"Yes, of course but they'll already here and you two need to go get the real animals" Rafael reminds us before walking off. I look over at alex who was smiling widely thinking about shadow.

"Ready to get her?" I asks grabbing my red lipstick. I apply it on as alex nods his head ready to leave. Alex grabs my hand pulling me with him as we sneak out from the back. It took us about five minutes just to get down to the backyard. My eyes land on a james who is running up to us holding out two black leather leashes .

"Where is he? Where's midnight ?" I question grabbing his leash. James points farther down the lawn stepping back as I run down the grass. Alex runs with me locking eyes. His blue eyes were swimming with danger . 

"What's taking so long?" I growl looking down at my watch

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"What's taking so long?" I growl looking down at my watch. It's been a half an hour since the gala truly started. Fights will break out soon we have almost every dangerous men and woman in one mansion. None like waiting including myself .

"Dad what's taking so long?" Heidi asks tighten her hold on my arm. I look down at her "I'm not sure Heidi but stop holding my arm you look scared and all the mob bosses are watching" I whisper .

She instantly lets go taking a step back fixing her dress. The lights go off with the sound of gun shots. Everyone broke into fits of anger cussing loudly. They left us with no weapons no fucking clue how to leave.

I growl grabbing hold of Heidi hand making her stand besides me. One thing is for sure Luke and her will be targets since their next in line. Just as I was about to speak the lights turn on. Everyone seemed tense as we all looked around into we heard the sounds of howling and roars.

My eyes snapped to the top of the staircases we're Alexandra and Alexander holding a leash that was attached to a wolf and tiger .

"What the fuck" I hiss stepping forward. Eric pulls me back as his eyes were wide just like the rest of my kids.  What the fuck where they doing here?

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