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I know you are somewhere out there

Somewhere far away

I want you back, I want you back.

Sighing deeply I sat on the rooftop of my house, up in the sky staring at the moon. My life is deep and miserable. No one talks till I come forward. They laugh, they cry but I, I just stare at them. I don't show emotions to this world. They don't want to see me and I don't want to show them. I only have you as my friend, My Moon. I trust you to the moon and back. I am Adam and this is where I show my emotions. Right now, I am in my rooftop talking to my only friend. We talk every night, about me and my life and he advises me to go on with my life. I hate the sun but moon always say that he is also my friend, try to talk to him too but I know he just comes in my life to snatch my moon away from me.

I am 18 and I just finished my school life. I sighed remembering all the past memories I have in that school.

Adam- I am happy today, moon. You know, why? Because from now I don't have to see them. You know right who I am talking about. The one who played a major role in making my life miserable, My Classmates. I chuckled slightly looking away from the moon, to hide my tears that were on the edge to make its way to the outer world. I don't want my tears to see the coldness this world shows me. I told you I am happy today so I won't cry, don't worry. You don't have to worry about me today, moon.

Moon- Hey! Adam! Tell me about today....

I stared at the moon as it talks and I smiled to it. You still remember to ask for my day, right. I am sure if it wasn't for the moon I would have suicide already 3 years ago. I was on the bridge ready to jump off from there but a voice stopped me. Yes, it was moon, my moon. He encouraged me to live and here I am living even after 3 years of miseries and still going.

Adam- Today was the last day of getting bullied and it is over now. I smiled bitterly. It was a real beating today, moon. See these bruises I got on my face and hands. They did that in the washroom, I screamed and begged them to stop all this but as always they just laughed and mocked me. They beat me till I was unconscious. Let me tell you more if you have the courage to listen,

Moon- I will always listen to you Adam. Tell me, I am all ears to you.


I was walking from the corridor of the school looking down to avoid all the stares at me. They laugh while I pass by, they splash water on me, they treat me wrong and slap me while passing by me. This is just a hell for me. I finally reached the class but the real torture begins from here.

???- Hey Adam, missed you buddy. I am sorry but can we be friends since it is the last day of school. I am sorry for all the things I did to you. But I want to start our friendship from here. He said keeping his hand around my shoulder and I looked at him.

He is Steve. My worst bully, he started all of this. He was the first one to pull a prank on me which turned to be bullying soon. I hate him to death but I never had the courage to look him in his eyes. After all, he have the whole school by his side. But why he is being all sweet today? He never talked to me like that. Maybe he wants to be friends with me now. I smiled thinking it is all true. I nodded at him and he too smiled brightly. I think he really wants to change and be my friend. I think I can trust him.


I was crying hysterically now. It was all a trap to bring me down to the worst. They were the worst today, after gaining my trust they stabbed me back. I was very innocent to think that they wanted to be my friends. They beat me to death today and left me there. No one was there to rescue me, I was all alone, all by my self. Steve and his gang was all over me, why god why! Why do I have to see all this? What wrong I did?

Adam- Moon, you know! It was a miserable day. Every day when the sun is up, I become all alone and people take advantage of that. They ruin me for their own pleasure. At night, I have you so no one dares to bully me.

Moon- Find a friend to help you in daylight then. He will stay by your side and no one will bully you then when I won't be there with you. I am sure there will be at least someone to be with you unlike me who is far away from you.

Adam- No moon, never say that. You have already helped me a lot. You will always be my favourite till my last breath I promise. I don't have anyone except you.

Moon- I am always here Adam, where will I even go leaving you? You can always lean on me. Just stay strong and live for tomorrow. You need to survive the day to meet me at night. I will always be here, with you within your eyes. Just look up in the sky and smile.

I smiled hearing him, I wish my day become night every time. Sun never rise and moon always stays with me. My moon, only mine. I want to sleep under his embrace, I want him to watch me just like a mother watches their children till they sleep. My emotions I hold tight during the day are all flown at night. It makes my heart feel light. My moon don't judge me, never mock me, never laugh. It just stays by my side listening to my bickering.

Moon- Always Remember Adam. I looked towards him and he smiled lightly seeing me all desperate to hear his next words.

Even if you are sad, you can still smile at pretty things.

Even the rat when in danger dares to pass through the fire ring,

When you are all alone, You find something broken inside you,

Seeing you I fall into depression and it makes me difficult to rise again.

Even the sadness is sweet sometimes, it makes you appreciate the happiness.

Never let the tears always fall, when I am asleep.

And I always miss something, that does not exist.

Your smile.

I looked towards him feeling something odd inside of me. He might be right but I don't have a reason to smile. I have already lost the will to smile.


Author's note- Finally, another story. It is more like a mere thoughts of a 18 year old. He is all alone and he imagines the moon talks to him and encourages him to go on with life. He thinks that the moon, his moon is the only one by his side.

I won't post regularly to this story as I am working on 2 more stories apart from it. There will be slow uploads. I hope you will still like it :) I really like the song Talking to the moon. The story will take time. Kindly like if you feel like liking it :) It is poetic too. Let's try to understand Adam and more other people like him.

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