3•Black and Red

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Mr. Kim smiled....

He has not seen his father smile often. His face was always expressionless. No one could figure out what he really felt like behind that vague cast.

"I saw some of your paintings which you had kept hidden in the cellar. You are really talented." 

Tae's face beamed with delight.

They talked about his paintings for almost an hour. 

Tae suddenly felt himself bonding with his father. 

-He is not cold hearted like I thought. He loves me but isn't expressing it.-

Tae showed him one of his recent works.

Tae showed him one of his recent works

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The smile on his face suddenly faded.


"I don't know. It just came into my mind all of a sudden. A work with only red and black. Those colours have captivated me... And some animals, like cats, owls and all... I loved how it turned out into. I think I should do more of them. I don't know what inspired me but-"

"DON'T DRAW THOSE A-N-Y-M-O-R-E" He said abruptly.

Tae was confused, but he remained silent.

They continued their conversation but Tae felt that his father wasn't enjoying it like he did before.

Throughout the talk he felt that his father was silently telling him to not join the Company.

But he wasn't sure if he was PLEADING or WARNING....


That night, while laying down on his bed, he tried to figure out why he hated the painting.

-Maybe those weren't his favourite colours...-

That explanation didn't satisfy him, but since he could not come up with anything better he assumed it be true.

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