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ameliac8282 for you because I'm done with you rereading Darkana atm


It was time for Davids funeral. I was heartbroken when I found out.

I got myself dressed up somewhat nicely. I had offered to help Alina but she told me not to. It has also been hard for her with Mal disappearing. Nobody thinks he's coming back. I laid on the bed in mourning. It has been one of the only things I was capable of doing lately. I could hardly eat or sleep.

Someone knocked on the door. I really didn't want to see anyone till the funeral. I ignored it and stayed silent. "Genya please. It's me Alina. Can I come in." She said. I get up from the bed and walk towards the door to open it. When I had first met Alina I will admit, I did like her. But once I saw her with the Darkling I knew it would never work. She found out he was an awful person and left him. After she lost her powers she ended up with Mal. I had David but he's gone.

He will always be gone...

I started crying again. "Hey it will be alright I promise." She hugs me. I bury my face onto her shirt. She strokes my hair saying reassuring words to me. Still crying I ask her. "Was this what it felt like when Mal went missing? When people told you he wouldn't be coming back and you should let go?" She sighs before answering me. "A little. At the start I had hope that he was going to come back to me and we'd be happy, I started losing that hope when the months dragged on." She says then stops.

I know she loved him. She still does by the sound of it. "Shh now it's my turn to comfort you." I tell her laughing still with tears in my eyes. "We're a mess." Alina says and laughs with tears in her eyes this time. We go sit on the couch with my head resting on her shoulder. She had her arm wrapped around my waist. The action sent butterflies to my stomach.

Did I still have feelings for her?

Maybe. But would it be me forgetting David? Or even her forgetting Mal. That wouldn't be right. Besides she's probably straight and just sees me as a friend.

"Come on Genya. We have to go to the um funeral for David...." she says. Her voice going quieter as she said it. I nod and we walk to the funeral.

This was going to be hard

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2021 ⏰

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