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"okay guys lets split into groups of 2" jungyeon huddled over everyone. "we have to beat hyuck" everyone nodded.

"im gonna go with sungchan." chenle winked at jisung, the action going unnoticed to the girl nodding.

"ill go with aeri" karina linked arms with said girl.

"jisung, lets go together" jaehee smiled up at him. "uh um oh yeah sure" he awkwardly smiled back. jungyeon averted her gaze away from the boy who longed for her attention.

jungyeon cleared her throat. "then jeno and i will be paired. is this alright for everyone?" she looked over everyone for the last time.

"meet back here in 30" jungyeon announced.

"lets do this"



"what happened to the oh so confident jungyeon?" jeno teased the girl who was currently clinging on to him for dear life. "shut up its getting dark... and its foggy" jungyeon grumbled. the older boy laughed.

"i'll protect you. trust" jeno flexed his arms. "put those muscles to good use and find the damn treasure" she snapped, slapping the laughing boys arm.

the pair walked around, looking for anything that was shown in the map they recieved.

"wait i think i found something"



"what even is this" jungyeon asked, following jeno. "i think its one of the boxes.." jeno picked up the box. "yeah its ours. its yellow" jeno confirmed.


"you werent even the one who found it"


"2 more to go"

"do you think the others found anything? she asked jeno. "maybe, but probably not" jeno answered. "we have 16 more minutes until we have to to back to meet them" jungyeon spoke, hopping over a rock.

"hopefully they found something"


"ugh finally, they arrived" chenle exclaimed, standing up from his squat position. "ayo? did something happen between you two?" jimin teased, motioning at the pairs linked arms.

jisung unconciously stared at their linked arms, action not going unnoticed by his best friend. jisung looked away, looking dejected.

"what the fuck no" jungyeon shook her head. "she was so scared, she grabbed onto my arm like it was life or death" jeno teased. "WAS NOT" jungyeon scoffed, pushing him. "mhm sure princess"

"anyways, did anyone find anything" jungyeon spoke up. "me and aeri did" jimin held her hand up. she gave the box to jungyeon. "anyone else?" jungyeon looked around.

"we found one too.." jisung quietly talked. "oh good job sungie" jungyeon scrunched her face, taking the box out of his hands

"now all we gotta do is go back to ms yu" sungchan huffed. "does anyone remember the way back?" jaehee asked. "i do"

"lead the way jeno"


"MS YU WE FOUND THEM ALL" jungyeon ran towards the her. "woah calm down" she patted the girls back. "are we first?" jungyeon asked, voice full of hope. "actually, haechans group arrived first"

"youre kidding me"

"um no..?"

"what the actual heck"



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