levi - 💜🍋

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A/n, for this oneshot you are in a college au. Eren is 19, you are 21 and levi is 29. Okay thats all 🥰.

I was standing infront of my boyfriends room, weird noices were comming from it. Ofcourse something in me didn't want to believe what i knew those noices were. But i had to believe it after i heard him tell her he wanted this, so so badly. Tell her fucking her felt so good. Tell her he loved her. And i broke when she told him she loves him back. I opened the door, i had to see it with my own eyes or i would have thought i was dreaming, hallucinating. And there i saw the worst thing that could've been. Eren, naked on top of Mikasa. Soon after i opened the door they noticed, Eren SAW me standing there. He looked away in shame.

"I loved you Eren, i did..."

Still not daring to look me in the eyes eren spoke.

"Y/n it.. Its not what it looks like"


"Oh but it is Eren, and you know it. I know it, and so does Mikasa fucking Ackerman cause she is obviously under you. I should have known you were a liar..."

"Y/n i-"

"If you're gonna tell more lies, then just save your energy... We're done Eren"

I walked out of the room and slammed the door behind me, and walked away.

Not knowing were else to go after this i went to sir Levi Ackermans room(they live in dorms, i know i know teachers normally don't but in this oneshot they do. Deal with it). He and i were actually very close even though he was my teacher. In actuality we were good friends, though we don't always admit that. I was soon standimg infront of his door, knocking on it.

"Who's there?" Levi said as he opened it, quickly discovering it was me.

"Oh its you y/n. What are you..." He trailed off realising that she wasn't looking too great, and eventually saw tears falling down her face. He just took her inside and sat her on his bed, and went to sit next to her.

"What happened?"

Y/n leaned her head against his shoulder.

"He.. We... I..."

"Y/n im gonna need you to form sentences so i can actually understand you"

"He told me he loves me, and we had sex yesterday"

Levi raised an eyebrow, what a weird thing to cry about. And a weird thing to tell him. He let her continue nonetheless.

"And today he told her he loves her, while he fucked her"

Levi's eyes widened, he was shocked and starting to get angry.

"Jeager did WHAT?!"

He pulled y/n into a much needed hug, and let her cry into his shoulder.

"That little shit... *sigh* you deserve better than him"

And thats how the two spent their night. Y/n crying in Levi's embrace, to her very comforting. Y/n eventually fell asleep, so Levi let her have his bed and tucked her in for the night while he slept on a comfy chair he had in his room. He already accidentally slept on it a few times because he fell asleep while reading so he didn't mind.

"Goodnight y/n"


The next morning y/n was woken up by levi who had made her breakfast. Levi made her some pancakes, and a hot chocolate.

"Y/n wake up, i made you food"

Ofcourse she couldn't say no to that and sat up immediately. Soon the food had all disappeared into her stomach.

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