XXXI ; rising

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I deflect Haruko's punch, grab the back of her neck and throw her aside. She barrel-rolls and her armour whips out, coils around my ankle — I slam to the floor.

"That's three for me, two for you," she says, haughty, circling me like a predator.

I get back to my feet and put my fists up. "You don't have to keep score, you know."

"Of course I do, I'm winning."

"It's practice."

"I'm winning—"

There's an odd sound, a thump. The one-way mirror high on the wall is quivering faintly. All of us look up at it.

"What was that?" I say.

"Dunno." She swings at the air. "But I'm still winning."

"Go easy on him, sweet cheeks." Seoyeon is blocking Junghwa's attacks without looking. "The cheese slid off the cracker with that one."

"Last time we practiced it was seven to three," I say simply.

"So you do keep score!" Haruko advances, arm shifted into a giant mallet. I duck out of the way.

The door to the gymnasium opens and Dr. Song walks in. The five of us stop sparring and stand at attention. He says something to a guard on the outskirts of the room and then approaches us, walking fast.

"At ease," he says. "Come with me, higher-ups are ordering a collective inspection."

He turns to leave the room. We follow without question, though we're only halfway through training for the day.

"Is there something wrong, sir?" Lý asks.

"There's a possible problem with your satellite uplinks," Dr. Song answers. We're climbing the stairwell single file. I realize the guards from the gym are following behind us. "It won't take long, you can resume training soon."

"Good," says Haruko, "I'm going for ten to two."

She ribs me. I ignore her. I expected level 121 to be busy, crowded with scientists like it usually is. Now when I look into the lab, there's only one person inside, slouched back against the wall with their head in their hands.

Haruko sees it too. Our eyes meet.

We walk into the incubation room and the guards move to block the door. I'm trying to catch the others' attention. I shake my head at Junghwa and Lý, telling them to be cautious.

"Sir," says Haruko, "are you sure there isn't something wrong?"

Dr. Song is typing on a holo-monitor. "It's an inspection, might as well be routine. Enter the pods please."

"Before we do, I want to know what kind of tests are going to be—"

"Subject 20, not another word," Dr. Song snaps. "I am your superior, do not question me. All of you, get in the damn pods."

"Not until you tell us the truth," I say. "Why are we here? Why is the floor empty? Why isn't anybody in the lab?"

His face roils. He lifts one hand and the guards behind him advance. They push their guns against us, herding us toward the pods.

"Get that fucking thing out of my face," Seoyeon barks, standing her ground.

Lý is backing up, hands raised. "Guys, just do as he says."

"No!" Haruko says. "The hell are they gonna do, shoot us?"

"Enough!" Dr. Song shouts. "You'll all be put on stasis if you disobey me any longer!"

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