Part 1

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*it's a bright sunny afternoon and Noragaki Uchiha and Sasenami Uchiha were playing tag in the village*

Sasenami: Hey get back here so I can tag you

Noragaki: Hehe no never you have to catch me

Sasenami: if I can't catch you this way I'll take a short cut *climbs on top of a building and jumps across them* almost there

*Noragaki disappears from Sasenami's eye sight*

Sasanami: huh? Where'd he go? Dang it I lost him *looks around to Noragaki* he better not be at Ichiraku again

Noragaki: heheh I got away form him *starts running as he look behind him and bumps into someone* ow

Kakashi: hm? Oh its you Noragaki...still playing tag with your brother?

Noragaki: huh oh hey master Kakashi, yes I am I'm winning so far I used Ichiraku to get away from him again

Kakashi: oh I see...well have fun...I got somewhere I need to go *has a really sad depressed look on his face* *in head* Rin...Obito...*sigh*

Noragaki: huh are you okay master kakashi? *looks at him with a confused face*

Kakashi: i- I'm fine...uh...seeya around I guess *disappears*

Sasenami: I found you Nora *runs closer to him*

Noragaki: ohh okay by kakashi *runs off again*

Sasenami: aw darn it...he's off again *continues chasing him*

Shisui: Sasenami! Noragaki! Time to go home

Sasenami: aw man...Come on big bro Shisui...a little longer?


Sasenami: aww man *runs towards Shisui*

Noragki: huh okay I'm coming *runs to Shisui*

Shisui: c'mon guys...Fugaku and I have something important to talk to you about *face turns angry and speaks with a calm tone* C'mon we're going to the Uchiha police station *holds Sasenami and Noragaki's hands*

Noragaki: why are we going there?

Shisui: you'll find out when we get there

*Shisui takes Noragaki and Sasenami to the Uchiha police station*

Shisui: here they are...Fugaku

Fugaku: Noragaki...Sasenami...I want you to listen up and listen well...I have some terrible sad news

Noragaki: hmmm what is?

Sasenami: what is it? We were in the middle of a game of tag

Fugaku: your- your mother and father...both...were killed during the war...they died like true shinobi

Sasenami: they....died? *looks at the ground with terror in his eyes then tears began to fall*

Noragaki: ohh they're dead? But dad and mom said they would come back *tears fall*

Fugaku: *sigh* this is what war is like...people die but they die with a purpose...die with a meaning to protect who they love or who they're close to....they died like true shinobi so never forget that and work hard...

Sasenami: I'll work hard so no one close to me will have to one

Fugaku: I'm sure you will...I want to show you something...come with me...both of you

Noragaki: I'll grow just as strong as cousin Itachi

Fugaku: heh...he's about your age and has so much talent...I can't wait to see how my son will grow as a person and as a shinobi *leads all of them to a room with a stone tablet* you guys see this? This is the Uchiha stone can read only a little bit with you with your regular eyes but once you awaken the sharingan you can read more *shows sharingan* and the further your sharingan evolves the more you can read *shows mangekyo sharingan* there's not much people who know that I have this sharingan...these eyes...they're cursed...a way to awaken them is a painful one...

Noragaki: wow cool I want one

Fugaku: NO..I mean no...the way how to awaken it is losing someone you're close to...I lost my friend on the battlefield during the war that's how I got's either kill for it or wait for someone close to you to be killed...I don't want you two killing each other or killing your friends, people close to you just because you wanted this power like I said these eyes are cursed...but they have great power

Noragaki: ohhh okay I won't then

Fugaku: once you awaken your sharingan you can train to strengthen your eyes so they're sharper and the your foresight with your sharingan will be increased

Sasenami: nice...but what about our family?

Fugaku: there are two other Uchihas who want to take you in meaning you'll be separated but you'll be able to see each other everyday

Sasenami: b- but I don't wanna be separated from my big brother I wanna be with him forever

Fugaku: *sigh* I know it wasn't my decision so I can't change it

Sasenami: well...I'll just sneak into big brothers room at night so I can hang out with him and we can sleep together like we used to do...but I won't do all the sneaking...Nora will you sneak into my house at night to hang out with me as well?

Noragaki: I don't know I think I can just don't do anything out of hand

Sasenami: alright I won't

Fugaku: *smiles a little* guys guys it won't matter they talked and said you can come over anytime it doesn't matter what time or what day...I'll take you to their houses follow Shisui and I

Noragaki: okay *follows Fugaku*

*Sasenami follows*

Fugaku: here's your house Sasenami...the family's inside to greet you

*a couple minutes later*

Fugaku: here's yours Noragaki...go inside and tell me what you think?

Noragaki: okay *walks inside*

Noragaki's mother: Hey Noragaki I don't know if you remember me but I was really close friends with your parents...I came over to your house a few times for dinner...come sit and eat I made dinner because I know you probably are hungry

Noragaki: okay *sits at the table*

Noragaki's mother: *puts a plate with rice, broccoli and a small piece of sirloin steak in front of Noragaki* tell me if you think it's good

Noragaki: okay *starts eating the food*

Noragaki's mother: that's great I'm glad you like it...if you want some more just let me know

Noragaki: no I'm fine

Noragaki's mother: I has Sasenami been?

Noragaki: he's fine and okay

Noragaki's mother: that's good...invite him over sometime and y'all can play and do whatever while I make delicious snacks for you

Noragaki: okay I will


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