Part 2

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*a couple of years later and Noragaki and Sasenami attend to the academy and are in their first class*

Sasenami: Hey Nora...glad to see you've made it to the academy

Noragaki: hey bro same to you

Sasenami: I haven't awakened my sharingan yet...have you awakened it?

Noragaki: nope not yet but mom said I need to keep training for it

Sasenami: I see...I bet I'll awaken my sharingan before said I have sharp eyes already...I always hit the middle in my shuriken training

Itachi: glad to hear both of you are training...I'm having father teach me new jutsu

Sasenami: whaaa so cool...hey you know any jutsu yet?

Noragaki: mhm I've learned fire style but it's only a little bit

Sasenami: I haven't learned anything...I want to learn the fireball jutsu like all the adults in our clan can do...I'm behind

Itachi: after I learn new jutsu from my father I can help teach it to both of you...sounds good?

Noragaki: yes that sounds great

Sasenami: please teach are so cool Itachi

Itachi: I'm not really that cool but thanks...come over tomorrow after school

Sasenami: ok will do

*the teacher comes in and they start their normal day at the academy*

*sometime in the middle the teacher has the students do shinobi hand to hand combat and its Noragaki against Sasenami*

Student: ooh it's Uchiha versus Uchiha.. I wonder who'll win

Teacher: alright you two...begin

*Sasenami charges at Noragaki throwing a punch to his face*

*Noragaki dodges and grabs his hand throwing him to the ground*

*Sasenami gets up and throws a kick towards Noragaki's gut*

*Noragaki jumps back and start doing hand signs for his fire ball jutsu then release it at Sasenami*

Sasenami: what the- don't tell me *barely dodges the fireball*

Teacher: woah...he's so young yet he already knows the Uchiha's famous jutsu...the fireball jutsu

Sasenami: take this *pulls out a kunai and throws it at Noragaki's shoulder*

*Noragaki back flips out of the way and grabs it mid air*

*Sasenami grabs another kunai and charges at Noragaki then swings towards his arm*

Noragaki: crap I can't dodge this one *puts his arm up in the way to take the kunai in his arm*

Teacher: STOP

*Noragaki and Sasenami stop*

Teacher: that was a great both of you do the unison sign

*Sasenami holds hand out to do the unison sign*

*Noragaki holds out his hand to do the unison sign*

*after the academy Sasenami and Noragaki walk home together*

Sasenami: that was a great match Nora...your fireball jutsu and the way you grabbed the kunai is so amazing

Noragaki: yeah it was cool

Sasenami: I wanna spar with you some time...but Itachi was amazing he won his fight with such ease

Noragaki: mhmh

Sasenami: let's work hard to become genin ok? If we're lucky we get to pair up

Noragaki: okay


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