Part 14

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Noragaki: *gets to the door*

Noragaki: what's wrong?

Jashin: the Akatsuki....they surrounded the whole village...Sasenami is there as well

Noragaki: fuck *runs upstairs and gets dressed and comes back down with a new sword in hand* let's go

Obito: *appears in front of Noragaki with Sasenami* not so fast

Noragaki: lord will you ever stop being a nuisance

Sasenami: this is our last tailed beast to capture...I know you won't let me off the hook so let's fight in a nostalgic place...follow me *runs off*

Noragaki: *proceeds to walk to the battlefield* I don't have time to deal with your shit

Sasenami: no...this is the perfect time...besides I know the Jonin and anbu are strong enough to defeat them...follow me...this is the perfect way to deal with me...who knows you might be able to bring me back to the village

Noragaki: Sasenami at this point I haven't thought about you at all since these couple of years you pop up out of nowhere and think I'll still be attached to bring you back you had your chance and lost it

Sasenami: *sigh* guess i'll force you

*obito drags Noragaki into his time space and Noragaki appears at the Uchiha district*

Sasenami:'s get serious *activates mangekyo sharingan* I want you to truly understand why I'm doing this and besides I did say next we meet...It'll be on the battlefield

Noragaki: shut up I don't want to hear your flawed thoughts *activates sharingan*

Sasenami: I will show you my true power...SAKKAKU...oh wait nothing happened...oh well fire style: fire ball jutsu *fires it at Noragaki*

Noragaki: *jutsu cancelation, cancels out his fire ball*

Sasenami: *kicks Noragaki in his gut* Fire style: Star flame jutsu *a big white flame goes towards Noragaki* *in head* he can't cancel this out...this is a different type of jutsu

Noragaki: *pulls out his sword as it flames up in Kurama's chakra and slices the flame* wow that really worked thanks Naruto

Sasenami: *smirks* hahahaha you burned your clothes...even if this jutsu doesn't make direct contact it's so hot that even no contact will burn you *throws a kunai at Noragaki covered in wind instead of lightning*

Noragaki: does it look like I care *dodges the kunai*

Sasenami: why so pissy? *runs up to Noragaki and sweeps his feet then tries to throw a punch at his face*

*Noragaki counters his leg sweep and punches him in the jaw*

Sasenami: shit *the punch goes through him then attempts to stab Noragaki in his shoulder with a kunai*

*the kunai goes through Noragaki*

Sasenami: Nora...another reason why I'm doing this isn't just for peace but so families won't be separated from life or death...they shall remain together forever

*Sasenami walks into their old house and Noragaki and Sasenami's biological parents walk out the door*

Mom: Nora is that you? My my you've grown up so much since we last saw you

Dad: it's been are you doing Nora?

Noragaki: mom? dad?

Dad: *runs to Noragaki and hugs him* my've sure grown so much and developed your's life treating ya?

Noragaki: it's fine *he'd hug his parents* but I know that this is Sasenami's way of him trying to get me to be on his side *pulls out his sword and stabs them as tears fall from his eyes*

Sasenami: it's about time I expose my sharingan a power *walks out of the house* my powers is's not easy to tell reality and illusions apart because illusions are created from what you truly wish to exist what is created to make your mind decifer it as real for example *pulls out eyes* this is all your minds thinking but also my minds thinking to make it exist *disappears and the real Sasenami appears and uses Susano'o* there now that I exposed my abilities let's fight *Sasenami throws his Susano'os dagger at Noragaki*

Noragaki: boy seems fate really likes to fuck you over *activates Senken-sei and completely dodges the dagger as he appears on the left side of his Susano'o coming down with his blade as it burns with a mix of purple and orange chakra slicing Susano'os arm off* I never told you but my sharingan is the power to completely see through and counter any attack even through genjutsus

Sasenami: impressive...just as I expected from you Nora...oh and illusions isn't genjutsu but I'm sure you know that by now *deactivates Susano'o and tries to axe kick Noragaki*

Noragaki: no shit *grabs Sasenami's legs and puts him in a headlock*

Noragaki: listen brother if my wife dies because I had to fight you in this holy hell of a shit show place I will hunt down Konan and slaughter her and your child that is if you even had the balls to make a move yet *kicks him out of Noragaki's grip*

Sasenami: my my really think the Akatsuki is that cold? We aren't killing the citizens we are looking for Naruto and we are fighting the Jonin to get information I'm sure your wife is fi-

*a bright light shine in the night sky piercing the darkness and a figure appears out from it*

Noragaki: what the hell is that?

Sasenami: I don't know this isn't good...let's go back...if he's an enemy we need to protect the village *starts running*

Noragaki: what okay


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