chapter 11

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I feel like a piece of shit. Why did I do this. Why didnt I just keep my mouth shut and not tell him how I feel. He doesnt love me back. Of course he doesnt. All the signs he gave me. All the love he gave me. And we still have to be here in Los Angeles for a little time. What will we do? What if he wont talk to me after all this? Or am I just overthinking again?

We arrived to Walmart. He picked up a basket and "ran" away from me. He doesnt even want to see me. I need chocolate. Or? Wine? Haha.

I found myself at the cashier with two big bar of chocolate. One for me and a vegan one for Aidan. I hope hes not mad at me anymore. I didnt see him.  I was looking for him for like 10 fucking minutes,still no Aidan.

I bought the chocolates and went outside. I hope he bought food, I didnt have enough money to buy all those too.
I was waiting for him,maybe he was still paying or looking for the things. But no. He didnt come out. I decided to go for a walk and think about all the things that have happened to me. In peace. I opened the chocolate that I bought for myself while the tears were racing on my face. They dropped on my chocolate and it didnt taste that good anymore.I threw  it in the trash.
But I kept the vegan one. I want to give it to him. Maybe my last "gift" to him, maybe not.

One hour later I saw lighting from Aidan's house. He's home. I have to pull myself together. Wiped my tears off. Organized my hair.

"Hi Aidan."
No response.
"Are you here Aidan?"- I asked and my voice became a little shaky.
But it was not Aidan's voice.
He sounded like a middle aged man I think
"Im sorry,who are you?"-I grabbed a knife and slowly walked into the room. That man was dressed in black clothes and had a mask on him too
"Oh you dont know me"
-"Im sure I dont know you,but can you please leave?"- I said and started panicking
"Oh of course darling. But I have to take this." he showed me a box.
"Whats in that?"
"You sure you want to know?"
"I dont know"
"Its very expensive stuff sweatheart. Enough information?"
"Yeah its enough for me to call the police."
I took the box out of his hands with a sudden movement and kicked him in the balls. Thats what he deserves for being a fucking thief. I ran out of the house and called Aidan. He didnt pick up. My tears appeared again. I texted him:

your house almost got robbed out,pick up the phone please.hes still in there but i ran out with the box he wanted to steal, i dont know whats in it. also im sorry for my feelings.but i cant control them. you dont have to ignore me,we still can be friends,but atleast i told you.


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