'Tomato Juice' (Chapter 7)

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EPISODE 6 SPOILERS no TWs since I never put one. I made the cover of this chapter and I wanted to know if you guys like it :))

"So, what are you doing today, (Y/N)-Chan?" Asks Hinata as she takes a slow bite of her food, staring intently at (Y/N).

"Oh, I don't know. I haven't got any plans." Says (Y/N). She had considered contacting Mikey and Draken and seeing what they're up to. Actually, she is still considering it.

"Well I'm going to be in the library most of the day. What about you, Naoto?" Says Hinata. She spends at least a few hours on Saturdays just studying. Takemichi is lucky (Y/N) is the one tutoring him and not Hinata.

(Y/N) is surprised to hear that Naoto also has plans. If she gets bored then she can't count on being able to hang out with them. She worries that her weekend will be spent alone in her room without anything to do. Sure, she could continue the book report, but who -besides Hinata- wants to spend the weekend like that?

After the three of them finish breakfast, Hinata and Naoto leave. (Y/N) sighs as she turns on the TV. She scrolls through the menu. Unfortunately, there's absolutely nothing to watch. She feels her phone buzz in her pocket and she takes it out. Draken.


Hey (Y/N). What's something you like.

I don't know why??

Just tell me.

I don't know. I like reading.

That doesn't help.

What ??

What are you doing right now?

Nothing why? Hinata just left with her brother. What are you doing right now?

She sighs when he doesn't reply. Her hopes of at least being able to text Draken are foiled. Why was he asking such random questions? (Y/N) shrugs it off as she continues thinking of things to do. She could go on a walk later. The park isn't far from the apartment complex. (Y/N) moves to her room as she continues the book for her report. She would much rather be doing anything else, but now she would have time for anything when it came around. If she finished the book today then she could probably have the report done on Monday, which would mean three weeks with no homework in the subject.

After only half an hour it had started to become increasingly difficult to focus on what she's reading. It's a sunny day, the clouds look like cotton gently floating along in the sky. She cracked her window open so that she could hear the sounds of the cars and the people outside before sitting back down to read.


(Y/N) jumped as she heard the sound of the doorbell ringing. She had assumed it was a package being delivered so she ignored it. After another ring, she finally got up, rushing to the door. She pulled the door open halfway to see who it was, and then opened it all the way when she found Draken staring down at her, his face not conveying a bit of what he was thinking or feeling. He holds a small bag in his hand.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He says as he steps around her and into the house. (Y/N) stares at him in astonishment. What was it with Draken and just showing up when (Y/N) least expected it?

"What are you doing here?" Asks (Y/N). Draken sits down on the couch and looks around the apartment. After a long minute he turns his gaze to her.

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