Chapter 1: Midnight

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Gulf's POV


I started at the time while drinking my hot chocolate waiting for 12

Why am I waiting

Well for as long as I worked for Mew suppasit at least 7 months 5 of those months he shows up at my house everyday at midnight

At first I found it weird but later on I kinda got used to him knocking on my door all though I ask him why midnight he never answers

Everyday he comes to my house and stays over night but everyday when I wake up he'll be long gone no where in sight at all but he makes breakfast with ingredients I never knew I even had, he fills my refrigerator up with all types of food and drinks I pretty sure I can survive a whole year with everything in my cabinets and refrigerator

I always try and repay him but he doesn't take the money at all

Some people always say their envious of me because whenever Mr. Mew gets angry if I walk into a room and hug him he'll seem to calm down in just the snap of a finger

All though he seems weird he really isn't he super cool I'm pretty sure everyone has a crush on him

Even me....

Knock knock

I set my half cup done hot chocolate down and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand before walking to the door revealing Mr. Mew soaked in water

I wanted to scold him asking why he didn't bring an umbrella but I would probably loose my job

"Come in I'll get you a towel" I said before running to my hallway closet and grabbing two extra towel

Once I came back I handed him one and started to help with by rubbing his hair gently with the other while he wrapped the other one around his body

"Here" I said signaling him to walk on the towel

I went and grabbed another towel before setting that down as long so he could walk on that one, I then grabbed the other towel and sat the down in front of that one until we were in front of the bathroom

"Here, I bought these pajamas but I don't know your size but hopefully these will work" I said handing him the pajamas

"Thank you" he spoke softly making me smile

"Don't worry about it" I replied trying to ignore the fact that I was blushing terribly as I closed the door behind me

I went to the kitchen and started to warm some milk so I could make him some hot chocolate

After putting the milk on I grabbed the two towel on the floor and put them in the washing machine

After starting the machine I walked back to the kitchen grabbing one of the Hershey bars from my candy cabinet

I broke all the Hershey parts into pieces and slowly set them in the milk and then I grabbed a Cocoa packet opening it I sprinkled the powder into the milk before I grabbed my whisker and gently moved it into circular motions until all the chocolate melted and the cocoa powder was mixed into the milk

(A/N is it only me who makes they hot chocolate like this)

Once I finished I poured some into a mug and decorated the top of the cocoa

Once I finished I poured some into a mug and decorated the top of the cocoa

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I didn't add a lot became Mr. Mew doesn't like a lot of things in his

I turned around and put the cup on the counter and lifted my head to see Mr. Mew ready sitting in a chair and sitting there

I flinched seeing him sit there, he was so quite I didn't even hear him come out the bathroom

"Sorry" he said putting his head down

"It's fine here drunk this so you don't get sick" I said pushing the cup towards him

"Thank you" he said smiling while taking the cup into his hands

"Uh it's no problem" I said

Is there a way to control your blush.. If so someone please tell me

"Can I" I asked reaching out my hand forward a little

He nodded his head and I out my hand on his forehead

My eyes widen when feeling how hot he was

Just to make sure I put the back of my hand on his cheek and also the other

He was burning

"Are you finished" I asked pointing to the half done cup

He nodded his head again

"Wait here while I go get some medicine" I said and he nodded his head

I ran to my medicine cabinet and grabbed the medicine for a cold and ran back in the kitchen handing him some water and the two pills

Once I said and made sure he swallowed both pills I made him go to bed

"Are you still cold" I asked and he shook his head but I could see him shivering

I guess I have no other choice

I got in bed beside him and gently pulled his head into my chest as I wrapped my legs around his trying to give him as much as my body heat as I could

He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist rubbing his for head on my chest burying his face more into it

"Is this enough" I asked

"Yes" he said

I reached behind me and turned off the light before turning back around and holding onto him again

"Are you comfortable" I asked and I didn't get a response making me pull back a little and look down at him to see him already sleep

Gah he looks so freaking cute when sleeping, I couldn't help myself as I kissed his nose and pushed his bangs from I front of his face pecking his for head twice before leaning my chin on top of his head

Soon after I felt myself going into a deep sleep

His Possessive Alpha (Mewgulf) *Complete* Where stories live. Discover now